New Warcraft Featurette Shows Promise for Epic Film

In the New York Times, director Duncan Jones spoke about the personal hardships he endured during the production process of Warcraft. Mind you, these were not the usual growing pains of jumping from relatively small films (his excellent debut, Moon, and the bigger Source Code) into the world of big budget blockbuster, but rather, the ...

By  |  May 24, 2016
New Warcraft Trailer All About Frenemies

Director Duncan Jones is attempting to successfully adapt a hugely popular video game for the screen, a feat that's been difficult for many filmmakers in the past. Blizzard Entertainment's juggernaut online role-playing has legions of fans, but we're guessing that the director of the creepy and weirdly touching Moon and the sci-fi action epic Source Code might be the man ...

By  |  April 19, 2016
Dark Forces Are Upon Us in the New Warcraft Trailer

The drumbeat for Warcraft continues with this new trailer dropped by Legendary Pictures and Universal Pictures. By now you know that Warcraft is derived from Blizzard Entertainment’s global phenomenon World of Warcraft. It'll hit theaters on June 10, 2016. Here's the synopsis: The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race ...

By  |  November 7, 2015
Very First Footage From Warcraft Revealed in Teaser

Yesterday we shared with you Legendary Pictures and Universal's Warcraft poster, with a promise to post the trailer for you when it drops on Friday. Now, they've released this 15-second teaser that shows the first footage from the film. Warcraft is directed by Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code), and it's the adaptation of Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft, which holds ...

By  |  November 4, 2015


Art Director

New Warcraft Poster Released, Trailer Coming Friday

If you're not a gamer, you're perhaps unaware of Blizzard Entertainment's hugely, hugely popular game World of Warcraft. This massive online multiplayer game had nearly 6 million subscribers as of this past June, and is currently the world's most subscribed MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game), holding the Guinness World Record for most popular game. It's also the highest ...

By  |  November 3, 2015