Stunning War for the Planet of the Apes VFX Reel Captures Incredible Scope of Work

Planet of the Apes was a groundbreaking cinematic experience in 1968 and continues to be the vehicle for the most advanced filmmaking techniques today. The level of detail in War for the Planet of the Apes is absolutely mesmerizing. The actors’ performances have been fully translated into multiple species of ape characters. VFX Supervisor Joe ...

By Kelle Long  |  May 18, 2018


Special/Visual Effects

How the Oscar-Nominated War for the Planet of the Apes VFX Supervisor Reversed Human Evolution

The Planet of the Apes reboot has been a massive success, and its impact on the film industry is hard to overstate. It began with Rupert Wyatt’s 2011’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes and carried on with Matt Reeves Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014 and his riveting coda, War for the Planet of the Apes, ...

By  |  February 27, 2018


Special/Visual Effects

VFX Supervisor Swaps Man For Primate in Oscar-Shortlisted War For the Planet of the Apes

“I’ve pretty much spent my last decade doing almost nothing but monkeys and apes.” That’s Oscar-winning visual effects artist Dan Lemmon talking about his adventures in motion capture on behalf of the re-booted Planet of the Apes trilogy and Peter Jackson’s 2005 gorilla spectacle King Kong. “Between that and The Jungle Book I’ve been pretty ...

By Hugh Hart  |  December 8, 2017


Special/Visual Effects

The Last Jedi, Blade Runner 2049 & Wonder Woman Among Oscar’s Visual Effects Shortlist

The Oscar race for Best Visual Effects this year might be the stiffest in recent memory. The Academy has released this year’s shortlist, and it stands to reason that this could be the most challenging group of films they’ve had to winnow down in a few years. A few of the reasons include the wide ...

By  |  December 6, 2017
War for the Planet of the Apes Eyes Oscar Gold

In the nearly 50 years since Planet of the Apes first premiered, the franchise has been at the forefront of moviemaking technology and emotional storytelling. It has endured as a plotline that continues to draw audiences in and the narrative reached a peak with this year’s War for the Planet of the Apes. 20th Century ...

By  |  August 31, 2017


Special/Visual Effects

Tech Transformations: The Planet of the Apes Then and Now

In 1968, 20th Century Fox’s The Planet of the Apes opened to critical acclaim. At a time when science fiction stories were not taken seriously, the story of an astronaut crew crash-landing on a future planet where apes are the dominant species, captured the imaginations of audiences around the world. Today, War for the Planet ...

By  |  July 12, 2017
Watch Andy Serkis Become Gollum to Read Donald Trump’s Tweets

Andy Serkis, the brilliant actor who has portrayed the ape Caesar in the new Planet of the Apes reboot, is on a press tour to discuss the final installment, War for the Planet of the Apes. Last night he was on the Late Show With Stephen Colbert to discuss the film, which has quietly become of ...

By  |  July 12, 2017
This Video Shows the Crucial Events that led to the War for the Planet of the Apes

War for the Planet of the Apes is one of the best summer blockbusters in recent memory. Don't talk our word for it, just read the gushing reviews.  Yet, perhaps you’re a little foggy on the details of what, exactly, has led to the epic battle between humans and apes? Luckily 20th Century Fox has you ...

By  |  July 5, 2017
War for the Planet of the Apes Director Matt Reeves on his Vision for The Batman

We've been writing a lot about Matt Reeves' War for the Planet of the Apes, which is getting some of the best reviews of any summer blockbuster not named Wonder Woman in recent memory. What you might not be aware of is Reeves will be directing Warner Bros. stand-alone Batman film, The Batman, which is just now in the early days ...

By  |  June 28, 2017
Early Buzz: War for the Planet of the Apes is a Summer Blockbuster for the Ages

Earlier today we published our interview with writer/director Edgar Wright about his incredible new film Baby Driver. It is one of the best movies you will see this summer, possibly this year. While Wonder Woman technically premiered before summer, we still consider it a summer film, and one that we, like everyone else, fell in love with. Now we present ...

By  |  June 26, 2017


Special/Visual Effects

How Weta Digital & Andy Serkis’s Brilliance Elevate War for the Planet of the Apes

We've written about how the performance capture technology that Andy Serkis has helped create and Weta Digital has perfected made the Planet of the Apes reboot one of the most satisfying, compelling franchise remakes of the century. Serkis plays Caesar, the new trilogy's heart and soul—a chimpanzee that has become vastly more intelligent, and verbal, after he's exposed to ...

By  |  June 21, 2017
Caesar and the Colonel Face Off in new War for the Planet of the Apes Clip

The performance-capture technology that Andy Serkis has helped perfect, from his performances as Gollum in The Lord of the Rings to his star-turning work as Caesar in the Planet of the Apes reboot has become practically flawless. Every new clip we've seen from War for the Planet of the Apes, the final film in the new trilogy, has shown how ...

By  |  June 19, 2017
New War for the Planet of the Apes Clip Shows Astonishing Leap in Performance Capture Technology

In this new clip from War for the Planet of the Apes, the performance capture technology that star Andy Serkis (he plays Caesar in the film) has helped usher in is shown in all its glory. The clip, titled "Meet Bad Ape," shows us the moment when Caesar meets this old, wizened ape he mistook for ...

By  |  June 14, 2017
Check out The Final, Epic Trailer for War for the Planet of the Apes

The Colonel (Woody Harrelson) takes one last stand against Caesar (Andy Serkis) in the highly-anticipated final trailer for War for the Planet of the Apes. After yesterday's brilliant teaser, which drew an intriguing connection between Charlton Heston's character from the original Planet of the Apes and Serkis's Caesar as the film's emotional core, the final trailer gives ...

By  |  May 16, 2017
This new War for the Planet of the Apes Teasers Brings us Back to the Original

In a fantastic new teaser for Matt Reeves’ War for the Planet of the Apes, we are brought back to the film that started this franchise (and one of the most influential sci-fi films of all time), with Charlton Heston’s character from the original Planet of the Apes, in voice over, rallying against the end ...

By  |  May 15, 2017
Director Matt Reeves Talks The Batman’s Link to War for the Planet of the Apes

Director Matt Reeves is putting the finishing touches on War for the Planet of the Apes, the third installment in the critically acclaimed reboot that sees Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his simian army at war with humans, led by the remorseless Colonel (Woody Harrelson), and on the verge of extinction. In a conversation with the ...

By  |  May 2, 2017
War for the Planet of the Apes Drops New Trailer

Men have known to become less than human in times of great intensity. According to the Colonel (Woody Harrelson), this is precisely the moment mankind has come to in War for the Planet of the Apes . In the new trailer, the Colonel makes his case, and it’s a disturbing one: "There are times when it's ...

By  |  March 31, 2017
Steve Zahn on Being a Bad Ape in War for Planet of the Apes

The third chapter of the Apes franchise is set two years after Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, with Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his simian army are forced into open warfare with humans, lead by a ruthless Colonel (Woody Harrelson) who sees no path to peace with the apes. Caesar's side suffers brutal loses, ...

By  |  December 15, 2016
It’s Species v. Species in War for the Planet of the Apes Epic First Trailer

One of the most clever ways they’ve shown just how smart Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his fellow apes have become is by watching their mastery over other animals, specifically horses. Seeing Caesar and his crew atop horses, riding along a beach in Northern California, is how the first official trailer for 20th Century Fox’s War ...

By  |  December 9, 2016


Actor Director

Want to be an Ape in the War for the Planet of the Apes Film? Here’s How…

This new teaser for the upcoming War for the Planet of the Apes shows director Matt Reeves and performance capture legend and star Andy Serkis asking you if you'd like to be an ape in the upcoming film. Serkis stars as Ceasar, the leader of the ape army, and for the motivated fan, you can enlist in ...

By  |  November 23, 2015