The Gifted Exists in a World Where the X-Men are Absent

If you want to drive yourself crazy, try to figure when things happened within the X-Men universe. The films themselves have memorably juggled and re-jiggered timelines, so much so that DenOfGeek created this nifty guide, which helps break down on which timeline the various films exist on. Even with DenOfGeek’s thorough guide, it’s still pretty confusing, and ...

By  |  August 9, 2017
Watch the First Teaser for Bryan Singer’s X-Men Show The Gifted

With Legion already a critical and commercial success, one wondered what the X-Men movies most seasoned director, Bryan Singer, would do with his show The Gifted. One thing you can count on (and you’ll glean this from the teaser) is that it’s not going to be like Legion at all. As Singer told Mashable earlier ...

By  |  May 10, 2017