Terminator Fight Scorecard: The T-850 vs. the T-X
With the release of Terminator: Genisys today, we’ve looked at how the filmmakers aligned past, present and future to create their recent take, and presented you with a fight scorecard for the melee between Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800 vs. Robert Patrick’s T-1000 in the first Terminator-on-Terminator battle in T2. Today we’re looking at the battle between Arnold’s ...
Terminator Fight Scorecard: The T-800 vs. the T-1000
The Terminators—you can’t live with them, you can’t live without them. That’s the way the world James Cameron created began to work in the second installment in the franchise, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, where Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800 was not the villain (as he was in the 1984 original), but the savior, coming to protect Sarah ...
Aligning Past, Present & Future in Terminator Genisys
Director Alan Taylor and writers Laeta Kalogridis and Patrick Lussier had a lot to juggle when they went to work on Terminator Genisys. With the four previous Terminator films and their corkscrewing stories, the filmmakers had to find a way to honor the universe the franchise has already built while setting off on their own, ...