

Legendary Playwright, Author, Actor & All Around Icon Sam Shepard Passes Away

Sam Shepard, age 73, has died from complications due to Lou Gehrig’s disease at his home in Kentucky. It is hard to measure Sam Shepard’s impact on contemporary art, performing and otherwise, for several reasons. He was a prolific worker, yielding a vast array of award winning plays, short stories, film scripts, and memorable performances ...

By  |  August 1, 2017



Sundance: Trouble in Texas in Jim Mickle’s Thrilling Cold in July

Director Jim Mickle is back at Sundance for a second year in a row with the dark, thrilling Cold in July, based on the novel by Joe R. Landale. After serving up last year’s compelling cannibal family film We Are What We Are, Mickle seems right at home in this neo-noir set in a small ...

By  |  January 24, 2014