Bryan Cranston’s Zordon Revealed in new Power Rangers Trailer

It’s mighty Morphin’ time, gang! This new trailer, just released by Lionsgate, gives you your first look at Bryan Cranston’s Zordon, the Power Rangers mentor. If you don’t know the origin of the Power Rangers , here’s your synpsis: five regular high school kids (or, as they consider themselves, "screwups") find out that their small town of ...

By The Credits  |  January 19, 2017
The First Power Rangers Trailer has Dropped

Is it possible to make a darker, serious Power Rangers? Director Dean Israelite (Project Almanac) looks like he’s managed to do just that, at least as far as this first trailer reveals. The film had its New York Comic-Con presentation, where Israelite confirmed that Goldar, Rita Repulsa’s infamous henchman who dogged the Rangers in the ’90s-era ...

By  |  October 11, 2016
New Power Ranger Posters Connect Past to Present

What we'd love to see is the Power Rangers all together as a Megazord. Stop pretending you don't know what the Megazord is (it's the combination of the five Dinozords who make up your Power Rangers: Tyrannosaurus, Pterodactyl, Mastodon, Triceratops, and Sabertooth Tiger.) Lionsgate has finally given us our first look at the dinosaur mechs those fearsome teenagers will ...

By  |  September 21, 2016