

Composer John Debney Answers The Call, and Goes Really Dark

Incorporating ‘found sound’ into his score for director Brad Anderson’s The Call, Oscar nominated composer John Debney wasn’t afraid to get weird. From slapping the tops of pianos to creating a bizarre engine revving sound for the film’s deranged lunatic, he took risks. The result is a truly unsettling soundscape–from the same man who wrote ...

By  |  March 14, 2013


Costume Designer

Meet Gary Jones, the Man Behind the Fantastical Fashion of Oz The Great and Powerful

The clothes make the man, as they say. And in Disney’s Oz The Great and Powerful, director Sam Raimi (Spider-Man, The Evil Dead) and his team of designers found themselves with not just a man to make but a few fashionable witches, a carnival crew, some Munchkins and indeed a whole army of Winkie guards. ...

By  |  March 8, 2013