

Screenwriter Olivia Milch on Penning the Perfect Crime in Ocean’s 8

Ocean’s 8, Warner Bros.’ all-female crime caper headlined by Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Sarah Paulson, Anne Hathaway, Mindy Kaling, Helena Bonham Carter, Rihanna and Awkwafina, has arguably been one of the most anticipated films of summer 2018. What’s undeniable is the soaring success of the film’s co-writer Olivia Milch, touted by Variety as one of ...

By Julie Jacobs  |  June 21, 2018


Production Designer

Ocean’s 8 Production Designer on the Art of the Con Artist

Alex DiGerlando made his reputation as a production designer when he conjured the gritty swamp vibe for 2012’s Beasts of the Southern Wild. DiGerlando followed that stunning achievement with his spooky evocation of rural Louisiana subcultures in the first season of True Detective. Heist movie Ocean’s 8 represents a radical shift in milieu for the NYU-educated production ...

By Hugh Hart  |  June 14, 2018


Sound Designer

Making the Met Gala in Ocean’s 8 Sound as Cool as it Looks

There are few things more frustrating to a moviegoer than missing a line of dialogue. Scripts have been carefully crafted to tell a story in merely a few hours making nearly every word vital to the plot. If you can’t hear what is said, you could miss something important. Particularly in the dialogue heavy Ocean’s ...

By Kelle Long  |  June 11, 2018
Review Roundup: Ocean’s 8 Pulls Off the Daring Heist

The early feedback for Gary Ross’s Ocean’s 8 has been released, and it is easy to say that the critics are thrilled with the audacious and comical all-female cast. The replacement of the all-male crew was a bold way to spin-off the infamous Ocean’s 11 trilogy, starring George Clooney as Danny Ocean. The trilogy enthralls ...

By Ashley Perlmutter  |  June 6, 2018
Ocean’s 8 New Trailer Boasts Star-Studded Cast & Heist of a Lifetime

Avengers: Infinity War might have this year’s awards for most stars in one film wrapped up, but Ocean’s 8 isn’t far behind. The new trailer for this star-studded caper shows off just how bright the wattage of talent here is. The film stars Sandra Bullock as Debbie Ocean, the sister of George Clooney’s Danny Ocean ...

By The Credits  |  April 13, 2018
The Score of the Century: Ocean’s 8 Drops Fabulous First Trailer

Yesterday we got our first peek at Ocean’s 8 star-studded ensemble in a brief trailer teaser, and today we’re sharing the first full trailer for the female-led caper. Ocean’s 8 follows Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock), the estranged sister of the previous Ocean’s franchise master criminal, Danny Ocean (George Clooney), as she tries to rebuild her ...

By The Credits  |  December 19, 2017
The First Ocean’s 8 Teaser Sets up the Stylish Caper You’ve Been Waiting For

We’re finally getting our first glimpse of Ocean’s 8, a star-studded, female-led caper which revolves around Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock), sister of master criminal Danny Ocean (George Clooney), the titular, lovable rogue of Steven Soderbergh’s popular Ocean’s 11 franchise. This teaser comes ahead of tomorrow’s official trailer, but even from this bite-sized morsel, we’re really ...

By The Credits  |  December 18, 2017
Ocean’s 8 Prepares to Take on NYC in New Poster

Danny Ocean (George Clooney) has pulled off some pretty impressive heists, but there’s one con who might be able to outdo him. Sister Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock) is back on the scene and she’s assembling a new team. The target of Ocean’s 8 is the Met Gala in New York and these robbers are pulling ...

By  |  December 14, 2017
Ocean’s 8 Cast Goes Underground

Warner Bros. Pictures' and Village Roadshow Pictures' have just delivered a first look at Ocean's 8, capturing our heroines in an iconic New York City location—the subway. The ensemble film stars Sandra Bullock as Debbie Ocean (the sister of George Clooney's Danny Ocean), who, like her brother, assembles the perfect crew to pull off easily the ...

By  |  January 30, 2017