
Production Designer

“Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities” Production Designer Tamara Deverell’s Twisted World

As the afternoon light waned in Toronto, production designer Tamara Deverell recently found herself sitting on the floor of an abandoned psychiatric hospital on break from the new Sofia Coppola movie she’s working on. With dusk approaching, she joked, “I’m getting scared because it looks like I’m in this spooky Guillermo del Toro room right ...

By Hugh Hart  |  November 16, 2022
Gift Guide: 10 New Books for Film Lovers

2013 was a fantastic year for film, and it also turned out to be a fantastic year for books about or by filmmakers. Memoirs, book-length interviews, biographies, histories and insightful how-to guides offer the film lovers and budding auteurs in your life inspiration, illumination and, very often, serious laughs. Here’s a short list of some ...

By  |  December 17, 2013