James Gunn Reveals the Most Emotional Thing Groot Ever Said in Avengers: Infinity War

Groot is a tree of few words, and often difficult to interpret as his vocabulary consists of three words. However, the real meaning of what his phrases translate to speaks volumes. None of the Guardians of the Galaxy have any trouble understanding what he is trying to express. Especially if it is inappropriate teenage sass. ...

By Kelle Long  |  May 7, 2018
Could Luke Skywalker be meeting up with the Guardians of the Galaxy?

It’s every sci-fi fans dream come true, and it’s all thanks to Twitter. Mark Hamill, who is not only the star of the original Star Wars Trilogy as Jedi Luke Skywalker, he’s also something of a Twitter Jedi, could be making an appearance in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy 3; and all due to one fan who ...

By  |  February 26, 2018
The Definitive Guide to the Guardians‘ Rap Sheets

Some people wear their heart on their sleeve, but the Guardians of the Galaxy wear their crimes on their pants. Reddit users recently picked up on an Easter egg that was so brilliant and harbored so much detail that director James Gunn joined in to comment. He even took time away from finishing a draft of ...

By  |  January 12, 2018
Guardians of the Galaxy Star Dave Bautista Joins Blade Runner Sequel

Yet more exciting news on the Blade Runner sequel front—Guardians of the Galaxy star Dave Bautista, who portrays the surprisingly funny Drax with such aplomb, has just been cast to star alongside Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling and Robin Wright.  Warner Bros. sent out a press release touting the newest member of the Blade Runner team:  Dave Bautista will join Ryan Gosling, ...

By  |  April 4, 2016


Costume Designer

Costume Designer Alexandra Byrne on Gearing Up the Guardians

Oscar-winning costume designer Alexandra Byrne is a major reason why Guardians of the Galaxy doesn't look like your average space epic. Part of the film's appeal is its visual splendor and wit—along with all of the eye-popping special effects there is an undeniable charm and style on display that bring to mind Han Solo's timeless black vest and buttonless collared ...

By  |  August 11, 2014


Actor Costume Designer Hair/Makeup Production Designer Props

Space Creators: Building the Guardians of the Galaxy

James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy opens on Earth, where a young Peter Quill sits alone in a hospital corridor, listening to his walkman. Prop master Barry Gibbs lead the search for the perfect cassette player, which took four months of internet searching and yielded only 16 cassette players in various states of disrepair that would be suitable ...

By  |  July 30, 2014


Actor Director

Summer’s Pleasant Surprises

For those in the film prognostication business, this summer’s been a bit baffling. Many people assumed Tom Cruise’s Edge of Tomorrow would be a bust, and, regardless of it’s box office numbers, the film has been a critical smash. And Emily Blunt, Cruise’s ass-kicking co-star, is perhaps the most unexpected action hero of the summer. ...

By  |  July 10, 2014