Ex Machina Writer/Director Alex Garland & Star Oscar Isaac Re-Team for Annihilation

I think everyone can agree that writer/director Alex Garland and rising star Oscar Isaac make a good team. Their surprise 2015 hit Ex Machina was the rare sci-fi film that re-introduced classic themes of the genre, including artificial intelligence, the line between what is real and what is synthetic, and the very notion of free will in fresh and satisfying ways. It ...

By  |  March 30, 2016
Ex Machina Production Designer Mark Digby on Redefining Sci-Fi

Production designer Mark Digby has created believable worlds besieged by young clubbers and virus-mad zombies (24 Hour Party People and 28 Days Later), made the slums of Mumbai a riot of colors and textures (Slumdog Millionaire) and helped translate Kazuo Ishiguro’s haunting novel Never Let Me Go into a sumptuous film. For his last film, Digby turned the future ...

By  |  June 25, 2015


Director Screenwriter

Alex Garland on Building Ex Machina‘s Perfect Woman

Novelist-turned-screenwriter Alex Garland knows how to create strong characters that are trapped in inhospitable and oftentimes dangerous situations. In 28 Days Later (2002), his characters were faced with the outbreak of a disease that was turning people into zombies. In Sunshine (2007), his characters were sent on a dangerous space mission to prevent the destruction ...

By  |  April 17, 2015