
Sound Designer

Oscar Watch: Deepwater Horizon’s Sound Editor on Capturing Chaos

Sound editor Wylie Stateman’s first Oscar nomination came in 1990 for his work on Oliver Stone’s Born on the Fourth of July. Seven more nominations followed. Stateman has been recognized by the Academy for his work on films ranging from alpine action-adventure stories to period pierces to war films. Cliffhanger, Memoirs of a Geisha, Wanted, ...

By  |  February 15, 2017
Building one of the Largest Sets in History on Deepwater Horizon

The Deepwater Horizon was the largest oil rig in the world, digging the deepest well that had ever been dug. Director Peter Berg makes this point at the start of this Deepwater Horizon behind-the-scenes featurette, released by Lionsgate. The video below gives you a glimpse of how Berg, his cast and his crew tackled telling the story of the ...

By  |  August 30, 2016