Black Friday Film Gift Guide: 10 of Our Favorite Recent Blu-Ray & DVD Releases
It’s officially Black Friday, and that means holiday gift-buying season is well underway. So whether you intend to spend today elbowing your way to bargain deals at big box chain stores or online-ordering your holiday gifts from the safety of your own home, we’ve put together 10 great recent DVD and Blu-Ray releases. After all, ...
Before There Was Apple, There Was Bond (And Q): 50 Years of Impeccably Cool Gadgets
The James Bond movie franchise celebrates its 50th birthday this year, and the world’s favorite secret agent will blow out the candles with the Nov. 9 release of Skyfall, the 23rd Bond film. The old saying goes that behind every great man is a woman, but there’s one enduring character who is arguably more helpful ...
James Bond Trivia
In celebration of the newly released Bond 50 Blu-ray collectible box set–and to officially kick off our James Bond week-long extravaganza here at The Credits–we salute our favorite secret agent in this week's quiz. [wpsqt name="James Bond Trivia" type="quiz"] **Feature image courtesy of MGM Home Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment|Bond 50, on sale now.