Watch This Conceptual Video for Avengers: Age of Ultron End Credits

As any film lover knows, there's not a single moment of screen time that wasn't conceived of and laboriously created by scores of people. This is especially true for end credits, and it's extra especially true for Marvel films, where extra scenes and crucial information is often embedded. We've all seen the shawarma scene in ...

By  |  October 7, 2015
Watch Thor Kiss the Vision & More in Avengers: Age of Ultron Gag Reel

Marvel has been releasing a steady stream of heretofore unseen footage from Avengers: Age of Ultron. We showed you the deleted scene of Thor entering the Norn Cave yesterday, and today we’re sharing their epic gag reel (the second, actually) that reveals how much fun these folks have while making these films. And it’s not ...

By  |  September 29, 2015



Watch the Norn Cave Deleted Scene From Avengers: Age of Ultron

You can excuse director Joss Whedon for having to leave quite a bit on the cutting room floor considering how much ground (and sky, and space) he had to cover in Avengers: Age of Ultron. One of the scenes that didn't make it into the film was this extended look at the Norn Cave that Marvel has ...

By  |  September 28, 2015
New Teaser Connects Black Panther to Avengers: Age of Ultron

With Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron available today on Disney Movies Anywhere (DMA), the studio is releasing a few new bonus features to remind fans (as if they needed reminding) about how interconnected the vast Marvel universe really is. DMA is available via iTunes, Google Play, and Walmart’s VUDU, and adds more devices next week ...

By  |  September 8, 2015



Watch This Avengers: Age of Ultron Blooper Reel

If you're curious how they were able to actually make Avengers: Age of Ultron, look no further than our interview with the film's production designer, Charles Wood, right here. If you're wondering what prominent authors and scientists think about the possibility of an sentient artificial intelligence becoming Ultron-like (evil, that is), you can read this piece ...

By  |  September 8, 2015


Production Designer

How’d They Film That? Avengers: Age of Ultron Production Designer Explains

You might imagine when you see Avengers: Age of Ultron that nearly everything is CGI. Yet Joss Whedon, when at all possible, wanted practical effects and real sets. Much like JJ Abrams has reportedly done on the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Whedon prefers to build as much of his world “in camera” as ...

By  |  May 1, 2015
Avengers: Age of Ultron Gets the Sesame Street Parody Treatment

A lot to enjoy in this Sesame Street parody of Marvel’s upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron. One is imagining living in a world in which people walked around eating vegetables on the street. One of the joys of Sesame Street in general is their completely bonkers voice work—listen to how, at 37 seconds in, one of ...

By  |  April 27, 2015



From Spader to Scarlett: 5 Great Voice Performances in Sci-Fi Films

So we saw Avengers: Age of Ultron yesterday and in an effort not to disclose any spoilers, we’ll just say this; James Spader absolutely nails his voice work as the eponymous villain. Spader’s articulate, sonorous baritone is put to perfect use, and the sound design work done to enhance his voice and give it a ...

By  |  April 23, 2015
Bow Down Humans! Could an Evil AI Like Ultron Become Our Master?

What we create may someday destroy us. It’s been a pervasive fear in human consciousness since well before the dawn of film, appearing in Ovid’s narrative of Pygmalion and the late 16th Century legend of the Golem of Prague, a creature created to protect the Jewish ghetto who – in some versions of tale – ...

By Kathryn Doyle  |  April 22, 2015
Avengers: Age of Ultron Teases Quicksilver & The Scarlet Witch

Joss Whedon recently said that Avengers: Age of Ultron was by far and away the most challenging film he’s made, largely to do the sequel’s super-sized cast. It was tough enough to juggle the Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, the Black Widow, Nick Fury, Captain America (honestly it just keeps going), but Ultron makes the original Avengers look like a walk in ...

By  |  March 30, 2015