Ava DuVernay Launches Crucial New Database to Diversify Film & TV Crews
When is Ava DuVernay not pushing the entertainment industry to become more inclusive? The answer is never. The powerhouse director/producer is launching a new venture in collaboration with major studios, streaming platforms, and producers to help diversify film and TV crew members. The new database tool, called ARRAY CREW, launches today and is part of DuVernay’s nonprofit ...
Ava DuVernay’s ARRAY Snags Merawi Gerima’s Drama “Residue”
Ava DuVernay’s ARRAY is putting its money where its mouth is—again. Duvernay’s ARRAY Releasing has snagged filmmaker Merawi Gerima’s poignant drama Residue, and they’ve revealed the trailer to this timely film to boot. Gerima wrote, directed, and produced Residue, which is centered on aspiring filmmaker Jay (Obinna Nwachukwu) who, upon returning to his old neighborhood in Washington, ...