Remarks & Testimonies

Remarks by Charles Rivkin for Black Panther Community Give Back Screening

February 7, 2018

Remarks as prepared for delivery

Good evening. It’s a pleasure to be here in Georgia on my first visit with the MPAA, and with all of you – the creators at the heart of the film and television industry.

I want to thank the Walt Disney Company and Marvel not only for this incredible film, but for tonight’s well-deserved recognition of your fantastic work.

Director Ava DuVernay once smartly said, “Creativity is an energy. It is a magic…and it can’t be taken for granted.”

We are all here tonight because we believe in that energy. We believe in great stories, and every day, we are fortunate to bring magic to life.

All we need is an opportunity. And here in Georgia, we have Governor Nathan Deal to thank for that opportunity.

In his recent State of the State Address, Governor Deal spoke of creating “orchards of opportunity” and planting “trees” so that future generations may live in a state that is economically secure and culturally vibrant.

One “tree,” of course, is Georgia’s robust film and television production industry.

I applaud Governor Deal, Attorney General Chris Carr – who is a great friend to the industry, and thank you, Mr. Attorney General, for being here tonight – the Georgia state legislature, Georgia’s Economic Development Commissioner Pat Wilson, and Deputy Commissioner Lee Thomas for their commitment to this creative community.

Tonight, we are also here thank – and celebrate – the many talented individuals and vendors who help make Georgia the third largest production center in the nation.

We are here, simply, because of each and every one of you.

Bringing Black Panther to the screen required you – and more than 3,100 other extras and crew members across the Peach State, who were paid a total of $26.5 million in wages.

Did you know that this production spent over $83 million across Georgia? The investment went straight into your communities. You’ve seen the local businesses at work.

Wherever film and television production goes, it brings economic opportunity. Even more importantly, it brings jobs.

You are part of a community of 2.1 million Americans working in jobs supported by this industry.

You are part of a network of hundreds of thousands of businesses – most of them small – that drive our economy forward.

Beyond the numbers, your hard work brings to life stories, like Black Panther, that make a difference. Stories that inspire. Stories the world wants to see more of.

Indeed, Black Panther has already smashed records for advance ticket sales. Audiences are lining up in landmark numbers to see this film because of your incredible efforts and because it reflects the breadth and diversity of our global communities.

So tonight, let us enjoy this film. And tomorrow, keep creating. Keep proudly representing this iconic American industry.

And please join me in telling local, national, and world leaders that investing in this industry is good for our communities and good for our shared future.

Show them that all we need is the opportunity, and together, we’ll keep making magic.

Thank you!!!

It is now my pleasure to introduce the Executive Producer of Black Panther, David Grant.