
IP-Intensive Industries Support Efforts to Secure Passage of Bipartisan TPA

April 16, 2015

Today, a broad coalition of IP-intensive industries sent a letter to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch and Ranking Member Ron Wyden, along with  House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan and Ranking Member Sander Levin, in support of their efforts to secure passage of bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) as early as possible this year. The letter discusses TPA’s important role in facilitating the passage of a high-standard Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement that will extend America’s competitive advantage and create jobs here at home. Key to this economic growth is TPP’s inclusion of intellectual property protections that will bolster America’s IP economic sector that already accounts for approximately 35% of U.S. GDP and more than a quarter of U.S. Jobs.

Click on the page below to read the full letter:

TPA Letter