
Statement on USMCA Becoming Law from Motion Picture Association Chairman and CEO Charles Rivkin

January 29, 2020

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump today signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The following is a statement from Motion Picture Association Chairman and CEO Charles Rivkin on the trade agreement:

“The Motion Picture Association congratulates President Trump, Ambassador Lighthizer, Leader McConnell, and Speaker Pelosi for their leadership in passing USMCA. This important, bipartisan trade agreement ensures a bright future for the creative community. The film, television, and streaming content industry already accounts for $17.2 billion annually in exports and registers a positive trade balance with nearly every country in the world. USMCA will help facilitate the growth of the legal digital market for creative content while addressing the multi-billion dollar threat of online piracy. We look forward to working with the Administration and Congress on future trade deals that build on USMCA and further improve protections for creators in this constantly evolving digital landscape.”

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About the Motion Picture Association:

The Motion Picture Association, Inc. (MPA) serves as the global voice and advocate of the motion picture, home video, and television industries. It works in every corner of the globe to advance the creative industry, protect its members’ content across all screens, defend the creative and artistic freedoms of storytellers, and support innovative distribution models that bring an expansion of viewing choices to audiences around the world.

Its member studios are: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures; Netflix, Inc.; Paramount Pictures Corporation; Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.; Universal City Studios LLC; and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Charles Rivkin is Chairman and CEO.

Media Contact:

Tom Zigo, Motion Picture Association