Logan Noir Trailer Shows Off Stunning Black & White Version

Logan is back to the big screen tonight in a glorious black and white version, something director James Mangold had been planning for before the film’s proper full color release. If there’s an Alamo Drafthouse location near you, that’s where you’ll be able to see Logan Noir.


Mangold had this to say about releasing a black and white Logan Noir:

“During production of Logan I took many black and white photographs and noticed how striking and dramatic our gritty settings and characters appeared in monochrome. The western and noir vibes of the film seemed to shine in the format and there was not a trace of modern comic hero movie sheen. Then, while editing, Fox and I started posting some of the black and white stills online and fans also began to respond enthusiastically, many hoping that they would get a chance to see the finished film in carefully timed, high contrast black and white. Well. Sometimes hope becomes reality.”

Tickets are available at the Alamo Drafthouse locations hosting the screening. Click here to find out if there's a location near you.

This gorgeous trailer comes on the heels of some really great Logan extras, like this astonishing audition tape for Dafne Keen, who plays Laura, Logan's new-found charge and a mutant herself. Then there was this deleted scene between Logan and Caliban (Stephen Merchant). Both of these were released as Logan is now available for direct download, with the Blu-Ray scheduled for a May 23 release.



Bryan Abrams

Bryan Abrams is the Editor-in-chief of The Credits. He's run the site since its launch in 2012. He lives in New York.