After “Furiosa” Blows the Doors off Cannes, George Miller Revs Up the Possibility of Another “Mad Max” Film

George Miller is currently riding high at the Cannes Film Festival after Furiosa, his scorching sequel to Fury Road, made its world premiere last night. The premiere came nine years after Fury Road blew the roof off the fest, and, once again, Miller, his team, and his talented cast have managed to wow the Cannes crowd. Furiosa‘s screening ended with a seven-minute standing ovation. So far, so good.

Miller is an iconically meticulous filmmaker. Mad Max: Fury Road was an epic labor of love, and Furiosa was in no way an easier ride—it took more than a decade of development and once again required a punishing shoot that included a 79-day portion devoted to a single 15-minute action sequence involving 200 stunt performers. [At the press conference following Furiosa, star Anya Taylor-Joy shouted out her stunt double, Hayley Wright, for her incredible work. “She is now one of my best friends in the entire world. Rather than it being an environment of aggression…it was, ‘I love you. I believe in you.”]

So, it was quite something when Miller suggested he was open to filming another Mad Max installment, saying there are plenty more stories to tell of the men and women who roam the Waste Lands. Miller has made five Mad Max films thus far—in 45 years—with Fury Road stunning critics, engrossing audiences, and winning six Oscars.

“There are certainly other stories there. Mainly because in order to tell the story of Fury Road, we had to know the backstory of Furiosa and Max in the year before,” Miller said at the press conference following Furiosa‘s premiere. “That was a tool for the cast and crew. We know the Max story from the year before. I’ll definitely wait to see how this [Furiosa] goes, before we even think about it.”

Furiosa continues the story of Imperator Furiosa, played in Fury Road by Charlize Theron in what has to be considered one of the most iconic roles of the 21st Century. Furiosa is the character’s origin story, with Taylor-Joy playing a younger Furiosa in a story that establishes what tragedies and triumphs came together to make this indomitable woman.

The world of Mad Max has always been one that celebrated, maniacally and wonderfully, the power of practical effects. Fury Road was a balletic combination of madness and mastery over the physical and mechanical world, and according to critics so far, Furiosa is more than a worthy sequel. If it proves to be as formidable at the box office as its predecessor, we might be getting a fresh installment, even if it takes another ten years.


For more on Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, check out these stories:

“Furiosa” First Reactions Hail Another Super-Charged Stunner

“Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” Reveals a Younger (But Still Psychotic) Immortan Joe

“Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” Drops its Scorching First Trailer

Featured image: Caption: Tom Burke as Praetorian Jack and Anya Taylor-Joy as Furiosa in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Photo Credit: Jasin Boland


The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.