Welcome to Where To Watch: Your Favorite Films & TV Shows All in One Place

Finding your favorite films and TV shows legally and quickly online has always involved searching and sifting. There are more than 100 platforms that legally stream content now, but there's never been a single source to help you find them, and, find out what movies and shows they're offering. Simply searching for “Inside Llewyn Davis legal streaming” brings up RottenTomatoes.com (which then directs you elsewhere), Amazon, some illegal service (negating the “legal” in your original search to begin with), Cinemablend.com (which takes you to yet another platform) and Oscar Isaac's IMDB page. Not entirely simple after all. Considering that last year, thoughtful film and television lovers like yourself used legal online services to access more than 5.7 billion film and 56 billion television episodes, there needed to be a single source to find and access all of these services. Now there is.

With the launch of WhereToWatch.com (WTW), you’ll never need to waste your time sifting through links in order to find the entertainment you’re looking for. You can now support the artists who create the films and shows you love while using this super easy, intelligent interface. Bonus: WTW has no ads.

How it Works

WTW allows you to search for films and TV shows so you can figure out where, exactly, they’re located on the Internet, in theaters (pinpointing the nearest theater using your address), or on television. Then, you can click on through to those sources to begin streaming, or, to purchase your tickets. And if what you’re searching for doesn’t appear to be available anywhere (this can happen during the brief windows when a film or TV show is transitioning from exhibition to home entertainment), you can set up an email alert so WTW will inform you as soon as the film or TV show is available.

You might be wondering, wait, where’s the app for this site? Another bonus, you don’t need one. WTW was designed to be responsive to any size device you might have, so all you need to do is bookmark the site and add it to your home screen, and voila!

WTW also includes trailers of upcoming movies and, for the cinephiles, articles on the filmmaking process by The Credits will be available. So before you start binge watching Breaking Bad (again), you can read about how one of the best episodes in the series was created.

And WTW is only going to grow more robust. Right now, it pulls the available content from providers who offer an API feed, but eventually, the site plans to add more sources. And if you happen to be a provider of a legal viewing option and want to be included on WTW, you can contact them at: ConsiderMySite@MPAA.org.

It’s a Win Win, which, incidentally, you can find on WTW.


The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.