Watch how They Hid Deadpool 2‘s Mystery Villains During Production

If you still haven’t seen Deadpool 2, you can stop reading right here.

If you have seen Deadpool 2 in theaters, you’ll still have a lot of brand new material to enjoy when you take in the expanded Deadpool 2 Super Duper $@%!#& Cut, which packs an additional 15 minutes of fresh action, fresh insults and more.

Deadpool 2 introduced us to Josh Brolin’s time-traveling, no-nonsense Cable and Zazie Beetz’s lucky, plucky kick-a$$ Domino. They were fantastic additions, rounding out Deadpool’s lovable X-Men B-team (which he dubbed the X-Force—more on that later) that already included Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand). Before the film hit theaters, it was unclear who the film’s villains were going to be. The trailers tried to make it seem like Cable was going to be Deadpool’s nemesis, but it was fairly clear early on that the two would enter into a fragile partnership at some point. There were all sorts of rumors about which Marvel supervillain (or two) would be making an appearance, but the production team went to great lengths to keep the plot and the film’s true villains a secret.

Now, a new clip from a featurette on the Blu-ray gives us fresh insight into all the secrecy that surrounded the film’s two main villains and how they were created. Screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, director David Leitch, and star Ryan Reynolds all weigh in. It’s as funny as you’ve come to expect, but also reveals what a first-rate cast and crew are capable of when everyone’s on the same page. Even if that page is filled with curse words.

Check out the clip below (via Yahoo):

Some of the Blu-ray bonus features include the following:

Gag Reel
Deleted/Extended Scenes
Until Your Face Hurts: Alt Takes
Deadpool’s Lips are Sealed: Secrets and Easter Eggs
The Most Important X-Force Member
Deadpool Family Values: Cast of Characters
David Leitch Not Lynch: Directing DP2
Roll with the Punches: Action and Stunts
The Deadpool Prison Experiment
Chess with Omega Red
Swole and Sexy
“3-Minute Monologue”
Audio Commentary by Ryan Reynolds, David Leitch, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (Theatrical Version Only)
Deadpool’s Fun Sack 2

Deadpool 2
Bill Corso applying some finishing touches to Ryan Reynold’s facial disfiguration in Deadpool 2. Photo Credit: Joe Lederer

Featured image: Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and Colossus in Twentieth Century Fox’s DEADPOOL 2. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.


Bryan Abrams

Bryan Abrams is the Editor-in-chief of The Credits. He's run the site since its launch in 2012. He lives in New York.