This new Avengers: Infinity War Blu-Ray Trailer is Epic

Well now this is a super sized new trailer. Marvel has released an Avengers: Infinity War Blu-ray trailer, which includes gobs of never-before-seen footage any previous ad. It boasts the film’s best line (the exchange between Groot and Captain America), as well as a sly bit of title design work that hints at the film’s somber ending without actually giving it away.

As we wrote yesterday, the Blu-Ray has a slew of special features. These offer viewers a chance to go behind-the-scenes and how Marvel’s biggest film was actually made. We’ve touched upon quit a bit about the incredible digital work in the Infinity War interviews we’ve done, specifically with the film’s VFX animation director Phil Cramer, who was tasked with giving Thanos (Josh Brolin) a few thousand facial expressions, and VFX supervisor Kelly Port, who helped create Marvel’s biggest, baddest villain of all time.

Some of the special features include:

– The Mad Titan (6:34) – Explore the MCU’s biggest, baddest villain, his trail of influence through the stories, and the existential threat he represents.

– Beyond the Battle: Titan (9:36) – Dive into the climactic struggle on Thanos’ ruined world, including the epic stunts and VFX, to uncover the source of its power.

– Beyond the Battle: Wakanda (10:58) – Go behind the scenes to find out how the filmmakers pulled off the most massive and challenging battle Marvel had ever attempted.

– Deleted and Extended Scenes (10:07)

As of now, it doesn’t seem like Thanos can be stopped (he’s even going after his own Reddit fans), but we have faith a certain super-powered pilot will be flying in to help the remaining Avengers avenge their fallen brothers and sisters in Avengers 4. Considering Spider-Man: Far From Home and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 are coming up soon and both set after Infinity War, she might even be able to help our heroes turn back time and bring those Thanos killed back to life. Otherwise, who, exactly, is starring in those films?

Avengers: Infinity War hits Digital HD on July 31st and 4K, Blu-ray, and DVD on August 14th.

Featured image: Thanos’s quest for the Infinity Stones spans several planets and many nations on Earth. Courtesy Marvel Studios


Bryan Abrams

Bryan Abrams is the Editor-in-chief of The Credits. He's run the site since its launch in 2012. He lives in New York.