Deadpool 2 Buzz: Better Than Original With A Post Credits Scene for the Ages

The promotion of Deadpool 2 have been an absolute gift to us all. Celine Dion, David Beckham, and all of Europe got in on the jokes. Yet, the Merc with the Mouth seems to be saving the best scene for last. Early reactions for Deadpool 2 have hit Twitter and they’re mostly glowing. What everyone can’t stop chattering about, however, is the post-credits scene.

Deadpool 2 doesn’t take itself, or anything seriously, which is part of what made the 2016 original so invigorating and has made the lead up to the sequel an absolute riot. There have also been a ton of great post-credit Marvel scenes, but those who have screened the film think Deadpool 2’s post-credit scene could be the best yet. What could it possibly be? A Wolverine cameo? Ricky Baker at his best? The grand reveal that Peter actually does have superpowers after all? We’re dying to know.

Deadpool adores taking a sledgehammer to the fourth wall and pounding it to powder. Apparently that approach works and gets even the most reluctant of audiences laughing. Sean O’Connell of CinemaBlend raved about the movie, remarking, “Huge, huge laughs that play the audience like a fiddle.”

Uproxx’s Mike Ryan didn’t care for the first film, but the sequel won him over. “DEADPOOL 2 beat me into submission until I was actually enjoying myself,” Ryan tweeted.

Although superhero films often cater to the teenage crowd, the critics are saying that Deadpool 2 is explicitly adult material. The jokes and the violence earn that R-rating, according to reports. If Deadpool 2 becomes a success, which it likely will be, it could inspire more R-rated material from comic creators. Birds of Prey,  anyone?

What Marvel so brilliantly pulls off is balancing a serious range of tones within a single universe. From the goofy joy of Thor: Ragnarok to the somber devastation of Avengers: Infinity War, the films remain coherent. Somehow, the raunchy, bloody, and extremely self-aware Deadpool 2 seems to still fit the mold, even while jacking Thanos and turning him into Cable. In a year in which Black Panther and Infinity War were both released, we’re glad that Deadpool 2 may find it’s place in the sun.

Here is a taste of the overwhelmingly positive reactions to the film.

Deadpool 2 opens May 18.

Featured Image: Ryan Reynolds stars as Deadpool in Twentieth Century Fox’s DEADPOOL 2. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.


Kelle Long

Kelle has written about film and TV for The Credits since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @molaitdc for interviews with really cool film and TV artists and only occasional outbursts about Broadway, tennis, and country music. Please no talking or texting during the movie. Unless it is a musical, then sing along loudly.