Blaster Battle Aboard Space Train Highlights This Solo: A Star Wars Story TV Spot
By the time we meet Han Solo and Chewbacca in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, they’re old friends with a long history of swashbuckling adventure between them. In this new Solo: A Star Wars Story TV spot, titled “Crew,” we see for the first time the moment Han even learns Chewie’s name (how Han already understands the Wookie language is a question only SNL seems interested in raising). Even more exciting than that seminal moment is the epic blaster shoot out Han and Chewie get into, aboard a moving space train, during what appears to be their first big score together. That kind of experience will make fast friends of anybody.

One of the best things about this extended TV spot, outside of the blaster shoot out, is that we’re getting a much better sense of Ehrenreich’s take on Han Solo, and we’re liking what’re seeing. He’s a more hopeful (and much more naive) Han, which of course makes sense considering he’s just starting out in the world. We’re also witnessing the official passing of the Chewie torch, with Joonas Suotamo now completely in a role that the great Peter Mayhew made famous. Mayhew played Chewie not only in the original trilogy, but also in J.J. Abrams’ The Force Awakens, but poor health limited what Mayhew could do in Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi, with Suotamo stepping in. Now the role is all his.
Another thing that’s becoming obvious the more Solo footage we see is the immense skill of cinematographer Bradford Young. Young’s work, which was so integral to Ava DuVernay’s incredible Selma and Dennis Villeneuve’s glorious sci-fi film Arrival, has been aces in every Solo trailer and spot we’ve seen. This gifted up-and-coming lenser will be a major reason to see to the film.
Then there’s the joy of the supporting cast, which includes Woody Harrelson as veteran smuggler Tobias Beckett and Emilia Clarke as the mysterious Qi’Ra. Yet Solo‘s most intriguing supporting character is undoubtedly Donald Glover as the young Lando Calrissian.
Have a look at the Solo spot “Crew” below, and prepare yourself for the film’s May 25 release.
Featured image: Scene from SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY. Courtesy Lucasfilm.