This Could Be Why Rey Was Chosen by The Force in Star Wars

One of the greatest shifts in the Star Wars storyline, since Darth Vader revealed he was Luke’s father, was divulged in The Last Jedi. Rey’s long awaited parentage turned out to be a nonstarter—her parents were nobodies. Worse, they were drunk nobodies, who sold Rey for booze money. This meant the Jedi-in-training likely didn’t come from a Jedi lineage (unless, of course, Kylo Ren was lying). She acquired the force on her own, but how? When there are mysteries in the Star Wars universe, there is only one woman who will have all the answers: Jocasta Nu.

Madame Nu is the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives. She recently appeared in the extremely well written Darth Vader comics and the Star Wars Explained show noticed she offers some insight into the nature of the force. In a battle with Vader, Jocasta Nu warned him the force is unstoppable and then she said something particularly interesting.

“It will find its vessels,” she told him. “It always does. It already has – you know this. There are others waiting out in the galaxy.”

The five-minute episode reveals an extremely interesting theory about the way in which the force finds new Jedi. Although many were surprised to find that Rey was not a Skywalker, related to the Emperor, or any of the other familial theories that developed before The Last Jedi, she may not have been the most unique case. Star Wars Explained theorizes that Anakin was even more unusual and his tie to the force was so strong, it was passed down through his children.

Essentially, the theory goes that the force likes to stay in balance. In the words of Snoke, “Darkness rises and light to meet it.” As the dark side grows stronger, so must the light. When there is a void in the light side, the force will find someone, like Rey, to fill it.

While this is all a philosophical debate and not canon, it seems reasonable. With the light side in serious trouble, there could be more vessels like the broom boy on Canto Bight coming to restore balance once again.


Kelle Long

Kelle has written about film and TV for The Credits since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @molaitdc for interviews with really cool film and TV artists and only occasional outbursts about Broadway, tennis, and country music. Please no talking or texting during the movie. Unless it is a musical, then sing along loudly.