Tom Holland on His Spider-Man Future & One Very Intriguing Potential Crossover

Tom Holland can be forgiven for not being ready to discuss his future as Spider-Man just yet. His last outing in Spider-Man: No Way Home has now earned more at the box office than his previous two films, Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home combined. The film, directed by Jon Watts, staring a five-pack of villains and a three-pack of Spider-Men, is possibly on track to catch Avatar as the third highest-grossing film at the domestic box office. And yet, as a species, we are always looking ahead, and that is especially true when it comes to MCU-watchers looking towards the forward the ever-expanding mega-franchise. So, Holland’s been asked the inevitable question—again and again—what’s his Spidey future looking like?

Holland has been coy, to say the least. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly about his upcoming film Uncharted, Holland once again answered the inevitable question in as non-commital a way as possible: “We’ve had conversations about the potential future of Spider-Man, but at the moment they are conversations. We don’t know what the future looks like.”

Holland told EW he’s positive that Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, Sony Chairman and CEO Tom Rothman, and Spider-Man producer Amy Pascal are “thinking of something,” but the 25-year old star doesn’t yet quite know what that is. Furthermore, he’s still just enjoying the afterglow of No Way Home‘s massive success.

Yet Holland did have something intriguing to say about a potential future crossover that would involve his Peter Parker. While speaking with The Zoe Ball Breakfast ShowHolland said he’s spoken with fellow MCU star Florence Pugh, who has played Yelena Belova (former Black Widow and sister to Scarlett Johansson’s Natasha Romanoff) in Black Widow and Hawkeye about a potential crossover between Spider-Man and Belova.

“[A crossover] hasn’t been suggested to the big bosses yet, but Florence and I have definitely spoken about it, and hopefully one day we can make that happen. That would be very cool.”

You heard the man, big bosses, let’s get this Spidey/Yelena crossover film going.

For more on Spider-Man: No Way Home, check out these stories:

Director Sam Raimi on Watching “Spider-Man: No Way Home” & the Status on His “Doctor Strange 2”

“Spider-Man: No Way Home” Almost Featured This Iconic Villain

How Andrew Garfield Kept His “Spider-Man: No Way Home” Secret Mostly Hidden

“Spider-Man: No Way Home” Co-Writers Talk Villains, Peter Parker & Changing the Script

Featured image: Tom Holland is Spider-Man in “Spider-Man: No Way Home.” Courtesy Sony Pictures.

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The Credits

The Credits is the Motion Picture Association's online platform that profiles below-the-line filmmakers and TV creators. Through in-depth interviews and coverage, we shine a spotlight on all the individuals who are indispensable to the entertainment industry and create the films and series we love.