New “Spider-Man: No Way Home” Footage Gives Glimpse of Green Goblin’s New Suit

We are swinging seriously close to the release date of director Jon Watts’ Spider-Man: No Way Home, and that means fresh details are starting to pile up. For example, this weekend three of the film’s big stars, all reprising their roles as supervillains from previous Spider-Man franchises, gathered for a panel for CCXP. We’re talking about Willem Dafoe, who plays the Green Goblin, Alfred Molina, returning as Doc Ock, and Jamie Foxx, back as Electro. This is the first time these three have spoken publicly about their roles in the film. The panel is a hoot itself, but you’ll also want to catch the new footage, which offers a closer look at Dafoe’s Goblin and his new and improved suit. As Dafoe teases, his Norman Osborne, aka the Goblin, “have a few more tricks up their sleeves.”

In No Way Home, Peter Parker will give these iconic supervillains a new lease on their demented lives by accidentally conjuring them thanks to a spell from Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch). In an attempt to erase the memories of everyone who now knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man (this is the first time in a film that Peter’s identity has been revealed to everyone), Strange accidentally unleashes and scrambles the multiverse, sending villains from previous franchises into our current Peter Parker’s world. This means Peter is now contending with not one or two supervillains, but at last count, at least five. Three of them, played by these excellent performers, will be a major draw for the film.

Yet these supervillains weren’t just sitting idly by in their respective universes, waiting for a chance to break loose. In fact, Dafoe muses about how his Norman Osborne has been busy, becoming even more technologically advanced since we last saw him. Ditto the suits the actors have to wear themselves, which Dafoe says have become more flexible, comfortable, and form-fitting.

Check out the panel and the new footage below. Spider-Man: No Way Home swings into theaters on December 17.

For more on Spider-Man: No Way Home, check out these stories:

“Spider-Man: No Way Home” Snags Record Advance Ticket Sale

A New Spider-Man Trilogy Starring Tom Holland is Happening

Villains Reign Supreme in New “Spider-Man: No Way Home” Images

“Spider-Man: No Way Home” Official Trailer Reveals Even More Villains

New “Spider-Man: No Way Home” Poster Reveals the Green Goblin

Featured image: Willem Dafoe is the Green Goblin in “Spider-Man: No Way Home.” Courtesy Sony Pictures.

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.