New “Hawkeye” Clip Shows Clint Barton Meeting the Parents

Yesterday, Marvel revealed a behind-the-scenes video focused on the comedic chemistry between Hawkeye stars Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld. Now, we’ve got an actual clip from the upcoming Disney+ series that shows us what happens when Kate Bishop (Steinfeld) brings home Clint Barton (Renner) to meet her parents. Well, technically, it seems they only showed up to use the bathroom, but the scene becomes an awkward mess either way for all involved.

The source of that awkwardness? It’s the tension between the peppy Kate and the surly Clint. Clint is in full Grumpy Avenger mode, refuting Kate’s claim to her parents that they’re partners, or even friends, and shutting down her attempt at creating a new nickname for him—C.B. One—which we think is actually kind of great. Kate’s parents, Eleanor (Vera Farmiga) and Jack (Tony Dalton) respond in different ways. Eleanor is put off by the fact that someone seems to have hacked her computer and thinks it was her daughter. Jack is excited to have an Avenger at the table, and even thanks him, almost as an aside, for saving the world.

The clip gives you a sense of the grumpy uncle/precocious niece vibe that’ll open the series, but eventually, we can be sure that Clint will come to like Kate, even rely on her, and will eventually become a mentor to the young markswoman.

Check out the clip below. Hawkeye is heading like an arrow (apologies) for Disney+ on November 24.

For more on Hawkeye, check out these stories:

New “Hawkeye” Video Takes You Behind-the-Scenes of Marvel’s New Dynamic Duo

New “Hawkeye” Trailer Promises to Save the Holidays

This New “Hawkeye” Teaser Hits the Bullseye

Behold The First Trailer for Marvel Studios’ “Hawkeye”

Marvel Reveals First Look At Next Disney+ Series “Hawkeye”

Featured image: (L-R): Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) and Hawkeye/Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) in Marvel Studios’ HAWKEYE, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Chuck Zlotnick. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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