“The Batman” Drops a New Teaser Ahead of DC FanDome

Well, this teaser is a delightfully direct way to introduce Robert Pattison’s Batman to both audiences and villains. It also signals, in just a few choice words, the tone and tenor of writer/director Matt Reeves’ upcoming The Batman. The teaser gives us the iconic Bat-signal alighting during a downpour, and then a very stark message for Batman’s allies and his villains. The official Twitter handle for the film released the teaser ahead of the DC FanDome event, which kicks off on October 16 and is sure to bring us a whole host of new images, possibly/probably a new trailer, and information about Reeves’ reboot of DC’s most iconic superhero not named Superman.

Take a peek at the teaser below:

Pattison will offer a very different take on Bruce Wayne from the two most previous versions, played by Ben Affleck and Christian Bale. The three actors have very different approaches and strengths, and it will be thrilling to see how Reeves and Pattison crafted their version of the character. The teaser also serves as a reminder that in The Batman, there will be multiple antagonists for Batman to deal with. These include Paul Dano as the Riddler and Colin Farrell as the Penguin. Then there’s Zoë Kravitz’s Catwoman, who might not be a straight-up nemesis, but she’s also been antagonist-adjacent in most incarnations, or at the very minimum non-compliant. The last woman to play her was Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises. Sure, she ends up being Batman’s major ally by the end of the film, but keep in mind she started the proceedings stealing from him.

Pattison will be on hand at FanDome, along with co-star Zoë Kravitz. You can bet they’re going to deliver the goods. The cast also includes Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon and Andy Serkis as Alfred. The Batman will begin with Bruce Wayne already having donned the cape and cowl, meaning while this will be Robert Pattinson’s first film as the Dark Knight, we won’t be dealing with a typical origin story.

How excited is Warner Bros. about what they have with The Batman? Well, they’ve already green-lit two spinoff series for HBO Max, one centered on Farrell’s Penguin, another on the Gotham City Police Department. We’ll almost certainly find out more tomorrow about all three projects.

The Batman swoops into theaters on March 4, 2022.

For more on The Batman, check out these stories:

New “The Batman” Footage Revealed in DC FanDone Trailer

“The Batman” Star Zoë Kravitz on How She Won the Catwoman Role

New “The Batman” Photo Teases Upcoming Trailer

“The Batman” Wraps Filming as Director Matt Reeves Shares Image From Set

New “The Batman” Footage Revealed in DC FanDone Trailer

Featured image: An image from writer/director Matt Reeves ‘The Batman.’ Courtesy Reeves/Warner Bros.

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The Credits

The Credits is the Motion Picture Association's online platform that profiles below-the-line filmmakers and TV creators. Through in-depth interviews and coverage, we shine a spotlight on all the individuals who are indispensable to the entertainment industry and create the films and series we love.