New “Dune” Featurette Reveals a Dream Quest for the Ages

Now that writer/director Denis Villeneuve’s Dune has made its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival and garnered rave reviews from critics, all that’s left is for the film to premiere in a theater near you on October 22. Yet Warner Bros. still has a few more fresh looks to reveal before the premiere, and the latest is captivating. The new featurette, titled “Desert Visions,” focuses on the dreams of Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet), the young noble who has a knack for envisioning things that come true. In this case, Paul’s dreaming about Chani (Zendaya), a young woman living on the desert planet of Arrakis, where the natural resource “spice” can be found in abundance. You can think of spice like a kind of cosmic elixir of the Gods—it can expand both human potential and human life—and it’s the reason why the people of Arrakis are in such a dangerous spot. Marauders and invaders from afar are coming to Arrakis to take the resource for themselves, and Paul’s dreams of Chani are beckoning him to her, both out of love and out of a desire to help.

The new featurette gives us a few fresh glimpses of Villeneuve’s film, but its main purpose is twofold; to center the relationship of Paul and Chani, which will drive the film, and, at least to our eye and ear, hint at the fact that Dune is just the first part of what Villeneuve has planned as a two-part epic. “This is only the beginning,” Chani says towards the end of the video, and that’s precisely what Villeneuve intends. He’s already finished the script for part two.

Check out the new featurette below. Dune hits theaters and HBO Max on October 22.

For more on Dune, check out these stories:

“Dune” Review Roundup: A Majestic, Astonishingly Vivid Epic Made for the Big Screen

New “Dune” Images Reveal One of the Year’s Most Anticipated Films

Denis Villeneuve Writing Script For “Dune 2” & Zendaya Will Star

Chloé Zhao Has Seen “Dune” And Was “Blown Away”

The Official “Dune” Trailer is Here (And It’s Stunning)

Featured image: Caption: (L-r) ZENDAYA as Chani and TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET as Paul Atreides in Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Legendary Pictures’ action adventure “DUNE,” a Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary release. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.