“WandaVision” Finale Caps Marvel’s Remarkable First Disney+ Series

Well folks, if you’ve been watching Marvel’s WandaVision on Disney+ and you’re anything like us, you’ve slowly come to realize this really is a remarkable series. Showrunner Jac Schaeffer and director Matt Shakman created something wholly original, plopping Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) down into an evolving world of sitcoms that has gotten progressively darker, sadder, and more intense. The show has generated serious discussions about grief, thanks to (spoiler alert) the reveal that the entire world of Westview, where Wanda and Vision live with their two kids, was created by Wanda herself, a display of the tremendous power of her grieving after Vision’s death in Avengers: Infinity War. 

Now we’ve come to the finale, and the conclusion of a series that could have gone any number of ways but has, impressively, managed to exceed expectations. WandaVision has probed not only the depths of grief, but it has also, of course, connected to (and some might argue, retconned) the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe. We’ve learned that (yet another spoiler alert) Wanda stole Vision’s body from S.W.O.R.D. and reanimated him—while essentially enslaving an entire town’s population—so that he could live again and prosper in Westview. We’ve learned that nosy but lovable neighbor Agatha (the always welcome Kathryn Hahn) is actually a formidable and ancient witch, Agatha Harkness, who is just dying to know how Wanda’s pulled all this off. And we know the finale will offer some final fireworks, some surprises, and some potential big reveals for both the series’ future and the MCU. So what might those reveals be? Here are five big questions we have that we think the finale will have to answer.

What happens to Vision?

Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda and Paul Bettany as Vision in Marvel Studios' WandaVision. Courtesy Marvel Studios.
Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda and Paul Bettany as Vision in Marvel Studios’ WandaVision. Courtesy Marvel Studios.

One of the darkest, saddest aspects of the entire series is knowing what we have always known, but tricked ourselves into believing was somehow not the case—Vision is dead. As the series got going we started seeing flashes, through Wanda’s eyes, of Vision as he was left by Thanos at the end of Infinity War, a hole in his forehead where the Infinity Stone used to be. Vision’s actual body was being used by S.W.O.R.D. as a weapon, turned into a pale android version of the red-hued fella we’ve all come to love. One has to assume the finale will pit our Vision versus this militarized pale Vision, but if the former isn’t really alive and the latter isn’t really Vision, don’t we lose either way?

What happens to the children?

L-r: Jett Klyne as Tommy, Julian Hilliard as Billy in Marvel Studios' WandaVision. Photo Courtesy of Marvel Studios.
L-r: Jett Klyne as Tommy, Julian Hilliard as Billy in Marvel Studios’ WandaVision. Photo Courtesy of Marvel Studios.

We know Wanda used Vision’s body to reanimate him with magic, and we also know their children, who have grown from infants into adolescents in a matter of days, aren’t “real” either. So what happens to them? Billy (Julian Hilliard) and Tommy (Jett Klyne) would seem like they’re destined to blip out of existence as quickly as they entered, but, in the comics, these two not only survived but thrived, becoming members of the Young Avengers. It’s hard to imagine Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda being a mom in Marvel’s Phase 4, but weirder things have happened in the MCU. Yet we should brace ourselves for the possibility that the finale, which seems like it’s going to be sad no matter what, will include saying goodbye to these two.

Will Wanda become the Scarlet Witch?

Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff in Marvel Studios' WandaVision, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios.
Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff in Marvel Studios’ WandaVision, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios.

At the end of the penultimate episode, “Previously On…” Agatha tells Wanda that what she’s doing is “chaos magic,” and that makes her the Scarlet Witch. Wanda has never taken that name throughout her adventures in the MCU, but it seems likely she’s about to. What will it mean if Wanda accepts the title (which can be passed on, by the way) and lets her chaos magic flag fly? Could Wanda emerge from the drama and trauma of WandaVision newly committed to carrying on with her life without Vision, or, as a former Avenger accepting her immense powers and committed to using them to whatever ends she deems just?

What happens to Agatha?

Kathryn Hahn is Agatha in Marvel Studios’ WandaVision. Photo Courtesy of Marvel Studios.

Look, one of the inviolable rules of Newtonian laws of motion is that our love forever flows towards Kathryn Hahn. She’s been, predictably, stellar as the witchy, wacky Agatha, and so the question immediately becomes—do we get to see more of Agatha in the future? If there was any MCU film where Agatha’s presence would seem not only welcome (because, again, Hahn) but sensical would be Sam Raimi’s upcoming Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. Give us multiple Hahns, please!

What happens to fake Pietro?

Evan Peters is Pietro in Marvel Studios' WandaVision, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios.
Evan Peters is Pietro in Marvel Studios’ WandaVision, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios.

When Evan Peters popped up as Wanda’s long-dead brother Pietro, the initial response was, wow, our first X-Men crossover! (Peters plays the mutant Quicksilver in the X-Men franchise). Then it was revealed that Agatha had cast a spell on him to use fake Pietro has her eyes and ears inside Wanda’s house. So who is this fake Pietro and what happens to him now? The speculation about this question has ranged from Pietro being the powerful Marvel character Mephisto to his being Agatha’s son. Considering Evan Peters is a known quantity already as an X-Men, it seems unlikely he was solely used as a prop for Agatha and nothing more. His role in the larger MCU going forward seems like one answer that actually might not come in the finale, but we’ll see.

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The Credits

The Credits is the Motion Picture Association's online platform that profiles below-the-line filmmakers and TV creators. Through in-depth interviews and coverage, we shine a spotlight on all the individuals who are indispensable to the entertainment industry and create the films and series we love.