Jordan Peele’s Next Horror Movie Set for 2022 Release

You know you’ve reached a career pinnacle when just the announcement of the date of your next film excites film lovers and film writers in equal measure. (Yes, the Venn diagram for film lover and film industry writer would just be a single circle encompassing both.) Such is the career point at which Jordan Peele finds himself. While Peele is a producing and co-writing dervish on hotly anticipated films like Nia DaCosta‘s Candyman (he produced and co-wrote the script), or HBO’s terrific Lovecraft Country (he produced), we’ve been waiting for his follow-up to the last horror film he wrote and directed, Us, premiered in March of 2019. Now, we know that Peele’s next horror film will hit theaters on July 22, 2022, for Universal Pictures.

Do you want more details on the project? Yeah, us too. Unfortunately, as is the case with Peele’s personal projects, this untitled film will be kept under wraps. This movie is a part of his five-year overall feature deal with Universal. The Hollywood Reporter has it that this film is “one of two titles that was mentioned when Peele signed his rich five-year overall feature deal with the studio.” He will write, direct, and produce both of these remaining two films.

The next film follows Peele’s game-changing Get Out and his follow-up Us. These were both critical and commercial hits and immediately made clear that Peele was a once-in-a-generation kind of talent. Here’s to hoping a bit more information is released in the coming weeks. If it is, we’re on it.

For more new horror films, check out these stories:

Screenwriter Madhuri Shekar on Adapting Her Own Audio Play for Blumhouse’s “Evil Eye”

Writer/Director Zoe Lister-Jones on her Bewitching Horror Film “The Craft: Legacy”

“His House” Writer/Director Remi Weekes on his Gut Punch Feature Debut

“You Should Have Left” Production Designer on the Lasting Allure of the Haunted House

Featured image: Writer-producer-director Jordan Peele on the set of his film, “Us.”

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.