Episode 3 of John Krasinski’s Some Good News Features Another Epic Cameo

John Krasinski and his talented family released the third episode of their now beloved YouTube series Some Good News yesterday, and, spoiler alert, it was just as charming as the previous two episodes. After managing to get the entire original cast of Hamilton together for episode two, Krasinski was back with a new episode that featured another look at the heroic healthcare professionals fighting the spread of COVID-19. Krasinski and his nimble production team (which includes his super-talented wife, Emily Blunt) managed to tie in another epic cameo in the form of former Red Sox superstar David Ortiz and the entire Red Sox team.

The Red Sox were on hand to delight a bunch of nurses and doctors that Krasinski managed to send to Boston’s historic Fenway Park, where they were given a standing ovation from the Sox and a saw a thank you for their efforts on the jumbotron. If it gets a little dusty in your apartment or home while watching this bit, you won’t be the only one who had to wipe some tears from your eyes.

Krasinski also pokes a little fun at himself over his now well-documented audition for Captain America. As you and just about everyone else knows, the role went to Chris Evans. Krasinski’s done okay for himself, regardless.

It’s yet another heartwarming episode of what has become one of the most reliably reaffirming places to feel just a little bit better about the world. We’ve re-embedded the YouTube link here:

Here’s more of our coverage on how COVID-19 is affecting the entertainment industry, and how the entertainment industry is trying to do their part to help:

Good Deeds Give us Reason to Hope (And Applaud)

Never Have I Ever Director Kabir Akhtar on Filming Mindy Kaling’s New Netflix Series

Late-Night TV Adapts to a Changed World

An Aspiring Costume Designer Contemplates Life after COVID-19

John Krasinski Creates Some Good News & Interviews Steve Carell

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Grey’s Anatomy Donating Gloves & Gowns to Fight COVID-19

Costume Designers Guild to Sew Masks for Hospitals

The below-the-line talent who will be hit the hardest.

Read Christopher Nolan’s Passionate Piece on the Importance of Movie Theaters

How studios and celebrities are using their massive platforms to spread crucial information about COVID-19.

How cinematographer Kira Kelly shot Netflix’s Self Made and is responding to her sudden furlough.

Amy Adams & Jennifer Garner Team Up to Help Kids Affected by COVID-19

Featured image: Nurses, doctors, and none other than David Ortiz himself were featured on the third episode of John Krasinski’s ‘Some Good News.’ 

About the Author
The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.