Studios & Stars Offer Social Distancing Education & Entertainment

Comedians, musicians, actors, and film and television studios have begun stepping up to try and add a little levity, light, and a sense of much-needed solidarity as we all deal with COVID-19. Individuals and companies with massive platforms can do a lot of good by informing citizens about the best way to stay safe and keep others safe in these unprecedented times. With governments across the world urging citizens to practice social distancing and, in many cases, stay in their homes, these efforts mean a lot. We may be physically separated, but we’ve never needed each other more.

Whether it’s reading to children to raise money, sharing very funny videos about why social distancing is crucial, or the simple but important step celebrities are taking in revealing to the world that they have COVID-19 and what we all need to do to keep each other safe (looking at you, Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Idris Elba), we’re seeing a massive uptick in socially responsible information sharing from the entertainment community.

While all of our major film and TV studios are dealing with production shutdowns, delayed releases and movie theater closures, they’re not just fretting about their own bottom line. Studios will be sharing important information with the millions of people who follow their various social channels and use their platforms. These ads will focus on “social distancing, personal hygiene, and mental health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” CNBC‘s Megan Graham writes. “The idea is to get the U.S.′ largest media companies and digital platforms using their channels to get out consistent messaging across television, radio, social media, out-of-home and digital media. All of the new ads direct audiences to and appear during time or space that’s donated by the media.”

These campaigns will also include musicians and celebrities using studio platforms to showcase themselves at home, doing their part to be responsible as we attempt to flatten the curve of COVID-19’s spread. The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah’s Tweet yesterday is a case in point:

Meanwhile, people with massive followings like Ariana Grande are doing a lot of good by telling their fans and followers what’s going on:

Humor is a great tool in times of turmoil. It’s a way to provide important information and give people a bit of levity in the process. Max Brooks and his legendary dad Mel shared social distancing information and managed to elicit a laugh (it always helps to name drop Carl Reiner and Dick Van Dyke):

The Terminator himself shared this video of him and some pals preaching the importance of listening to experts:

Keith Urban, alongside his wife Nicole Kidman, provided a free concert. Chris Martin of Coldplay did the same. John Legend will be performing live for audiences today at 1 pm PST on Instagram. The legendary, game-changing Wu-Tang Clan offered these helpful hints on how to take care of yourself and others:

All of these efforts can have a huge impact on the way people respond to this unfolding crisis. We may be socially distancing ourselves from another, but we’re all in this together.

Featured image: CHICAGO, IL – OCTOBER 16: Trevor Noah on The Daily Show Undesked Chicago 2017: Lets Do This Before It Gets Too Damn Cold Comedy Centrals The Daily Show with Trevor Noah taping Monday, October 16 through Thursday, October 19 from Chicagos The Athenaeum Theatre and airing nightly at 11:00 p.m. ET/PT, 10:00 p.m. CT on October 16, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Jeff Schear/Getty Images for Comedy Central)

About the Author
Bryan Abrams

Bryan Abrams is the Editor-in-chief of The Credits. He's run the site since its launch in 2012. He lives in New York.