First Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Reveals Diana’s Dangerous New Life

The first trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 is finally here. Director Patty Jenkins and star Gal Gadot have brought Diana Prince a long, long way from the World War I setting of the first film, bringing the lasso of truth slinging superheroine into an era of shoulder pads, big hair, and New Order’s “Blue Monday” to name a few cultural touchstones. The trailer was released at CCXP, where Jenkins and Gadot were on hand to promote their hotly anticipated sequel. While the trailer has direct callbacks to the first film (Diana’s still broken up about Steve Trevor’s death), it’s good to remember that Wonder Woman 1984 producer Charles Roven has said the film won’t function like a typical sequel. Speaking of Jenkins’ ambition for the film, Roven said this to Vulture:

“She was just determined that this movie should be the next iteration of Wonder Woman but not a sequel. And she’s definitely delivering on that.”

The trailer is delightfully period-specific, showing just how much Jenkins and her creative team leaned into the era. It also reveals that yes, Steve Trevor (Chris Pine)’s return seems like more than just a dream sequence. It also gives us a look at how Diana comes into contact with one of her new enemies, Barbara Minerva (Kristen Wiig), who will become Cheetah. We also meet gleeful loudmouth Max Lord (The Mandalorian star Pedro Pascal).

There’s a lot to enjoy here. The look, the many major stunt sequences, the teases of both Wiig’s Cheetah and Pascal’s Max Lord, both of whom look like they could be very fun new faces in the DC Universe. The trailer also leaves a ton to puzzle over. How does Steve Trevor come back? Is that really Steve Trevor? What will Barbara Minvera’s transformation into Cheetah look like?

Wonder Woman 1984 arrives in theaters on June 5, 2020. Check out the trailer below:

Featured image: GAL GADOT as Diana Prince in the action adventure “WONDER WOMAN 1984,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Photo Credit:
Clay Enos/ ™ & © DC Comics

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Bryan Abrams

Bryan Abrams is the Editor-in-chief of The Credits. He's run the site since its launch in 2012. He lives in New York.