New Avengers: Endgame Trailer Includes Blu-Ray & Digital Release Dates

The Avengers are once again headed back to theaters this weekend to battle Thanos—and reveal an unfinished deleted scene to boot. For those of you who can wait just a little bit longer, you’ll be able to bring Avengers: Endgame into your living room. A new trailer for Marvel’s mega-hit reveals that the film will be available for digital download on July 30 and on Blu-ray on August 13. As is always the case, it’ll come with a bunch of bonus features, deleted scenes, bloopers and more.

A quick perusal of the bonus features reminds us just how much material there is to work with here. Endgame was a time-hopping epic with a ton of cameos, callbacks, and long-awaited resolutions. Both the digital and Blu-ray release include six deleted scenes. Unfortunately, none of which seems to be Katherine Langford’s turn as Tony Stark’s grown-up daughter, Morgan. Yet the deleted scenes include “Goji Berries,” “Suckiest Army in the Galaxy,” and “Avengers Take a Knee,” all of which have piqued our interest.

For the digital release only, there’s “Steve and Peggy: One Last Dance,” which will focus on the bond between the two star-crossed lovers over the course of the MCU. Both the digital and Blu-ray release will feature “Remembering Stan Lee,” which look back on the legend, including his many, many cameos throughout the MCU’s 22 (and counting) film arc.

Another bonus feature on both releases is “Setting the Tone: Casting Robert Downey Jr,” which will explore how the MCU’s first big star was cast, and how it helped launch the entire enterprise. It’s also intriguing to note another feature included in both releases is “Black Widow: Whatever It Takes.” This will look at Scarlett Johansson’s super-assassin-turned-Avenger. Might this be a nod to the fact that Black Widow is getting her own film?

For all of you lovers of Chunky Thor, you’ll be delighted to know there’s a bonus feature titled “Bro Thor.” It’ll look at the Asgardian God’s changing appearance, but his unchanging heroism.

Check out the Avengers: Endgame Blu-ray trailer here. If you just can’t wait, you can always head to the theater this weekend and see it again on the big screen.

Featured image: Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: ENDGAME. Thor (Chris Hemsworth). Photo: Film Frame. ©Marvel Studios 2019

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.