The Future of the MCU Looks More Inclusive Post Avengers 4

In a world of interconnecting storylines, the logistics of more than a decade of films is bound to get complicated. Particularly when the mere existence of an upcoming project could be a spoiler. Half of the potential characters who could star in upcoming movies are believed to be gone. Whether or not they are resurrected would be compromised if too much about their future in the franchise was revealed. Regardless of who survives the snap and who doesn’t, Vanity Fair has uncovered the next phase of the MCU will look very different from what we’ve come to know.

Following Infinity War, Marvel has been tighter lipped about what direction the superhero sequels are headed. However, there is definitely one thing that appears to be a theme as we look ahead. The MCU is going to be way more inclusive. Following the explosive success of Black Panther rooted in Afro-futurism, Marvel appears to be welcoming more representation on screen.

Deadline reported yesterday that a major pillar of that effort will be a standalone Shang-Chi film. Chinese-American writer Dave Callaham is already on board to write the script. Hopefully, this will be a step forward in incorporating Asian and Asian-American culture in a genuine way. Known as the Master of Kung Fu, Shang-Chi is a skilled fighter and an all-around kickass character that would hopefully go well beyond checking a box.

Still in the works is a long-rumored Black Widow prequel, that could get very dark. Natasha Romanova has a grisly past filled with tragedy. There are a lot of great female characters in the MCU and Marvel has promised that the future includes more women in charge in front of and behind the screen. First up is, of course, Captain Marvel, and that Scarlet Witch TV series will slide in somewhere too. There’s also word that a Ms. Marvel project will transpire down the road. Marvel President Kevin Feige told BBC that they plan to introduce the Muslim heroine into the mix.

Among those who were evaporated in Infinity War, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man are all expected to pop up in sequels. Only Spider-Man Far from Home has been officially acknowledged as those characters currently don’t exist in the MCU. Although we are still in mourning over the loss of many Avengers and hope that Captain Marvel can save them, we may not need them after all. With a lineup like this, greater heroes may be rising.

Featured Image: Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..L to R: Okoye (Danai Gurira), Black Panther/T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (Scarlet Johansson) and Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)..Photo: Chuck Zlotnick..©Marvel Studios 2018


Kelle Long

Kelle has written about film and TV for The Credits since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @molaitdc for interviews with really cool film and TV artists and only occasional outbursts about Broadway, tennis, and country music. Please no talking or texting during the movie. Unless it is a musical, then sing along loudly.