Chris Hemsworth Tries to Spoil Avengers 4 at the Teen Choice Awards

Tom Holland is still considered the spoiler king of the MCU, but Chris Hemsworth is making a run at the crown. Hemsworth nabbed the Teen Choice Award for Sci-Fi Movie Actor for his title role in Thor: Ragnarok, but he couldn’t make it to the awards thanks to filming the big Men in Black relaunch with fellow Ragnarok star Tessa Thompson. In an effort to give the fans at the Teen Choice Awards some sort of consolation prize for his not being there, Hemsworth attempted to spill some secrets about Avengers 4 This blatant attempt to unseat Holland as the MCU’s official spoiler machine was, luckily (or unluckily, depending upon your outlook) foiled thanks to a faulty WiFi connection:

If you were hoping for some actual spoilers, you’re a touch more gullible than us. Hemsworth is certainly enjoying himself these days, headlining some of the biggest films around. He’s been a tireless champion for Marvel for years now, not only starring as one of the studio’s marquee stars, but also as a one-man marketing team. When the God of Thunder tells you that Avengers 4 has surprises that top even Infinity War, you’re likely to believe him.

Will Hemsworth’s Thor survive Avengers 4? His fate is uncertain—at best. Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans are both likely doing with Iron Man and Captain America, respectively, after next year’s fitting finale to the MCU’s Phase Three. The future of the MCU seems to belong to Black Panther, Spider-Man and Captain Marvel, yet Hemsworth has hinted that he might not be done with Thor.

“Thank you so much, everyone who continues to support these characters and the Marvel Universe,” Hemsworth said. “We’re going to keep trying to crank them out for you, if you let us.”

That doesn’t sound like a man who’s ready to put down the hammer quite yet.

Avengers: Infinity War is available on digital download and Blu-ray.

Featured image: Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..Thor (Chris Hemsworth). Photo: Film Frame. ©Marvel Studios 2018

About the Author
Bryan Abrams

Bryan Abrams is the Editor-in-chief of The Credits. He's run the site since its launch in 2012. He lives in New York.