A Quiet Place 2 is Coming in 2020

When awards season rolls around we’re betting that John Krasinski’s A Quiet Place will get some serious love. While Krasinski’s surprise horror hit was almost nothing like Jordan Peele’s 2016 masterpiece Get Out, it shares two salient points; it was released early in the year and was a fully realized, deliciously scary passion project. Starring Krasinski, his real-life wife Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds and Noah Jupe as a family forced to live in total silence, lest they be slaughtered by alien predators who hunt by sound, A Quiet Place seemed to come out of nowhere in early April. The conceit, Krasinski’s expert direction, Blunt’s killer turn as a pregnant, incredibly resourceful mother and the brilliant sound design made for one of the year’s most satisfying films. A Quiet Place‘s critical and commercial success ($332 million worldwide, from a budget of $17 million) led to near immediate talk of a sequel (its gangbusters ending almost demanded one), and now it’s official: A Quiet Place 2 is happening, with a release date of May 15, 2020.

Will Krasinski direct the sequel? This seems to be the salient question at the moment, as his work on the original was sensational. It remains unclear what role he’ll have on the film, but producer Andrew Form told Collider earlier this year that Krasinski was “definitely involved.”

It sounds as if Krasinski and co-writers Scott Beck and Bryan Woods have come up with a story they’re excited about for the sequel. (Spoiler alert). The original ended with Krasinski’s Lee Abbot dead (he sacrificed himself to save his children), but with a glimmer of hope; Regan (Simmonds) has stumbled upon a way to terrorize the alien hunters by using her hearing aids and a microphone to torture their hyper-sensitive earing apparatus, giving mom Evelyn (Blunt) enough time to blow their heads off with a shotgun. The film ends on a thrilling note—the aliens are coming, Regan’s got her hearing aid pressed against the microphone, and Evelyn pumps her shotgun. Will the sequel will pick up right where the original left off, showing us how (or if) the remaining Abbots survive the coming onslaught? Or will there be a big time jump? Answers won’t be coming for quite a long time, but at least now we know the sequel is officially a go.

Featured image: Emily Blunt plays Evelyn Abbott in A QUIET PLACE, from Paramount Pictures.

About the Author
Bryan Abrams

Bryan Abrams is the Editor-in-chief of The Credits. He's run the site since its launch in 2012. He lives in New York.