John Krasinski is “Definitely Involved” in A Quiet Place 2

Do: Be afraid of what comes next in the A Quiet Place Sequel. Do not: Worry about the movie being rushed into theaters by the wrong people.

Besides confirming plans for a sequel, Paramount have said very little about the follow-up to John Krasinski’s masterclass in horror. Krasinski wrote, directed, and starred in the 2017 film, but considering his involvement in other projects like Amazon’s Jack Ryan, fans were worried about his involvement if the studio decided to rush a second chapter. It’s not even clear whether or not A Quiet Place 2 will focus on the story of the Abbott family, so Emily Blunt could also be a doubt. However, in an interview with Collider, producer Andrew Form alleviated some of our fears.

“Oh [Krasinski is] definitely involved. We’re lucky on this one. I’ve had movies where the studio says to you, ‘Here’s your date. Let’s go!’ and on this one we’re not rushing anything, which is amazing. So we’re gonna take our time, we’re gonna figure out where to go, but there is no rush on it and we’re just starting to talk about it. We’re figuring out what everyone’s involvement’s gonna be and what the actual next movie’s gonna be. The first one is so special to us that we really want to take our time with this and not rush anything.”

“It’s easy to rush these and we’ve made movies in the past where we’ve rushed them through and we’ve felt it, and we just don’t wanna do it on this one. We really don’t. We really just wanna take our time and as long as it takes, it takes. It has to be the right story, just like the first one. It just has to be.”

The news that Krasinski will be involved—which very likely means he will write and/or direct the feature—is a huge relief. A Quiet Place was the Office actor’s directorial debut, and a sequel would not be the same without the singular, comprehensive vision he brought to the refreshing first film.

Featured image: Director/Writer/Executive Producer John Krasinski on the set of A QUIET PLACE, from Paramount Pictures.
