Chewbacca’s Solo: A Star Wars Story Costars Reveal He’s Difficult to Work With

Some people, like Queen Celine, give the word ‘diva’ a good name. Others, not so much. Chewbacca seems to be running the set of Solo: A Star Wars Story and causing his costars grief.

The filmmakers are doubling down on treating Chewbacca as a real Wookie, although he is actually played by Joonas Suotamo. Recent posters of Han’s best bud did not credit the actor adding to Chewie’s mystique.

A new Solo featurette reveals Chewbacca has grown a big head. Although, at 7’6”, it’s really the right size for his body.

“The problem with him is, in his eyes, this is his movie,” costar Warwick Davis claimed. “He’s become a little too big for his boots.”

In Chewie’s defense, he’s the only one that hasn’t hardly aged since his 1977 big screen debut. Actor Thandie Newton revealed that Chewbacca requires an entire team dedicated solely to his grooming. I mean, the guy does have a lot of hair. We don’t want him getting any fur balls. Director Ron Howard comes to the star’s defense, however.

“He may not always have the best temperament,” Howard admits. “But you know what? Beneath the gruff exterior is a heart of gold.”

The clip is actually a promotion for the movie’s partnership with UNICEF, so it’s all in good fun. Star Wars has long partnered with the children’s charity via the ‘Star Wars: Force for Change’ project. This particular campaign is called ‘Roar for Change’ urging fans to do their best Chewie impersonation to support the cause. Here are the official details:

Lucasfilm and Star Wars: Force for Change today announced Roar For Change, a global challenge in support of UNICEF. The initiative invites fans and families to share their own version of Chewbacca’s iconic roar. For each public post, like, or share on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter that includes #RoarForChange between May 3 – 25, 2018, Star Wars: Force for Change U.S. will donate $1 to UNICEF USA, up to $1 million. Funds will be used to support UNICEF’s lifesaving work for children around the world.

“Every year, May 4th has seen fans across the globe become Forces for Change and rally around good causes,” says Paul Gainer, Head of Disney Consumer Products Commercialization. “This year, as part of the countdown to the launch of Solo: A Star Wars Story, we’re giving them a fun way to support UNICEF while celebrating Han’s legendary sidekick Chewbacca, and his iconic roar, which is almost as recognizable as the Wookiee warrior himself.”

Fans can share their best Chewbacca impersonation, don Hasbro’s Electronic Chewbacca mask, or create a Dubsmash using one of Chewbacca’s best-known roars from the Star Wars saga, which will be hosted on the app’s homepage for the duration of the campaign.

Solo: A Star Wars Story debuts May 25.

Featured Image: Alden Ehrenreich is Han and Joonas Suotamo is Chewbacca in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY


About the Author
Kelle Long

Kelle has written about film and TV for The Credits since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @molaitdc for interviews with really cool film and TV artists and only occasional outbursts about Broadway, tennis, and country music. Please no talking or texting during the movie. Unless it is a musical, then sing along loudly.