John Krasinski Writes New Rules for Horror with A Quiet Place At SXSW

Jim Halpert on The Office was always great at pranks, but none of them were quite this chilling. Mostly known for his comedic roles, John Krasinski directed his first horror film, and it’s one of an early hit out of SXSW. A Quiet Place has an intriguing premise and the trailers have been terrifying us for months. Audience members said they were thoroughly satisfied by the story and it was really, really scary.

Sound has been taking a starring role in films recently from Mad Max: Fury Road to Baby Driver and Blade Runner: 2049. In A Quiet Place, the plot is fused with sound itself. Those sounds that go bump in the night and keep you awake are seemingly turned upside down in this film. An unseen hunter preys on what it can hear, making it difficult to stifle your screams.

Pajiba Editor Kristy Puchko tweeted, “#AQuietPlace is a masterclass in suspense. It weaponizes your own screams against you.”

Horror films are always pushing to find a new terror that will make audiences scream. Take that away, and it seems you get a whole new level of frights. It’s doubly exciting to see Krasinski go outside the box of his previous projects, as well as introduce something new to the beloved horror genre.

Krasinski stars in the film alongside real-life wife, Emily Blunt, who is one of the most casually talented actors we have. She has unlimited versatility and makes it look effortless. Krasinski wrote the film with Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. Here are some of the reactions that have us pumped and petrified to see the film.

A Quiet Place hits theaters April 6.

Featured Image: Emily Blunt in A Quiet Place. Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures. © 2017 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved.

About the Author
Kelle Long

Kelle has written about film and TV for The Credits since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @molaitdc for interviews with really cool film and TV artists and only occasional outbursts about Broadway, tennis, and country music. Please no talking or texting during the movie. Unless it is a musical, then sing along loudly.