Sad Porg, Gross Milk—This is Star Wars: The Last Jedi Post You’re Looking For

From the world of Star Wars creatures come two highlights from Disney featuring the most adorable—and most repulsive—moments in The Last Jedi.

First up, if it’s cute and it’s in The Last Jedi, it must be porgs (although those crystal foxes were pretty darn precious, too). For months we fawned over the adorable screaming porg who becomes Chewbacca’s sidekick. His alarm at Chewie’s wild driving was enough to make you want to snatch him right off the screen and cuddle him to death. Little did we know we would soon have an even cuter, and, admittedly, much sadder, interaction with the little fluff balls. As a hungry Chewie is salivating over a roasted porg, a distraught pal (or sibling, or child) of Chewie’s dinner gives him a look so brimming with sadness that Chewie gives up on his meal. This is not typical of a Wookie, you can imagine.

The Star Wars twitter page featured the adorable porg in a tweet captioned “TFW it’s time to go #backtowork…” The meme-ified creature is an instant classic that will definitely be the new go-to for anything we’re bummed about.

Elsewhere in the world of Ahch-To is another creature that definitely caught our eye. When dreaming about living in Star Wars, there are things we all fantasize about. Waving a lightsaber, blasting off into light speed, drinking green milk. Ok, the last one is definitely something we’d pass on in real life.

The scene where Luke tries to blow off Rey and gleefully drinks green milk straight from the udder of a Thala-Siren is the movie’s biggest gross-out moment. The effects team actually intended for it to be nasty, and the creature was animated by two live people inside the costume.

If that part made you go “yum”, then Disney has a treat for you. A recipe for your own green hued milkshake should hit the spot. The Earth flavors include white chocolate, vanilla, and almond. The recipe is pretty involved and not for beginners, but it admittedly looks a lot more appetizing than Luke’s raw beverage of choice. Cheers!

Featured Image: Star Wars: The Last Jedi. L to R: Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo) and a Porg. Photo: Industrial Light & Magic/Lucasfilm..©2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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The Credits

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