This new Deadpool 2 Teaser is Gloriously Bonkers

What other film franchise would drop a teaser that was a meticulously crafted, utterly NSFW parody of those old Bob Ross painting tutorials that aired on public access television back in the ‘80s? None. Deadpool 2’s latest teaser is both a parody and a loving homage to Bob Ross’s The Joy of Painting, as well as a blink-brief glimpse at the next installment Fox’s delirious, devilish Deadpool franchise. Have a look:

There is no current star of any franchise that can match Ryan Reynolds’ efforts on Twitter and social media in general to whip up interest for his mouthy character and his titular films. Reynolds was born to play Deadpool, and without his efforts the original film would have never gotten off the ground. His mix of leading man looks (which were obliterated early on in the first film) and comedic timing makes him the perfect Merc with the Mouth, and it’s clear he delights in delivering NSFW teasers, photos and updates from set. Additional kudos to 20th Century Fox’s marketing team, who use Deadpool’s irreverence and fourth wall-breaking confessions in endlessly clever photo spreads, teasers and more. Whoever came up with the idea to partner Deadpool with Good Housekeeping deserves a raise.

The new footage, while limited, looks pretty thrilling, with returning Deadpool characters like Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) and the Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand, now with a bit more hair!) getting their brief moments to shine, as well as newcomers Domino (Zazie Beets) kicking down a door and Julian Dennison, the star of Taika Waititi’s Hunt for the Wilderpeople, playing a character whose name and role in the film are still under wraps.

We don’t get a look at Josh Brolin’s Cable—they’ll probably save his reveal for a proper trailer. In the meantime, we can enjoy yet another insane installment in the endlessly inventive Deadpool 2 marketing campaign, and look forward to the next beloved-but-forgotten cultural relic they revive for their snarky (but loving) purposes.

Deadpool 2 is directed by David Leitch, and is set to hit theaters on June 1, 2018.

Featured image: Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool…as Bob Ross. Courtesy 20th Century Fox.

About the Author
Bryan Abrams

Bryan Abrams is the Editor-in-chief of The Credits. He's run the site since its launch in 2012. He lives in New York.