Thor: Ragnarok Director Imagines a Funny Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow for a Spinoff

If you still don’t know the name Taika Waititi, enjoy your last weekend of being oblivious to his magic. Waititi directed Thor: Ragnarok, which is going to be a massive hit and has already garnered a ton of praise (the film opens next Friday, November 3). Waititi has collaborated with comedians like Jemaine Clement in the past, with films like What We Do in the Shadows, a delicious vampire comedy, and he used his comedic gifts to sculpt Ragnarok into a comedic masterpiece. And yes, it’s also a massive cosmic adventure and glittering part of the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe.  It may have been difficult to imagine the Norse god of thunder as a funny guy, but in Waititi’s capable hands, he’s brought out the Asgardian’s lighter side. Now that he’s broken the seal on the mega Marvel franchise, Waititi feels like he can do the same for other characters, and we’re all for it.

Waititi told Germain Lussier at io9 that he would love to get on board a Black Widow film. That’s certainly a surprise, and we can’t envision how he would pull it off, but we’ll leave that to the master.

“[I’d like to see] Black Widow as something crazy and a bit funnier than we expect it to be,” Waititi said. “Because we know her story and it’s very sullen and very dark and her history is very dark. But! What’s the funny version of that? What’s the more entertaining version of that?”

Black Widow’s past as a Russian spy is filled with some really heavy stuff. Comics have often served as a way of imagining superheroes battling real life threats, and Black Widow has found herself in the middle of some of history’s most painful times.

Scarlett Johansson is a commanding presence as Black Widow in The Avengers series, and she would definitely rock a solo film. Who wouldn’t be interested to see what Waititi and Johansson can do together.

Until then, rush out to see Thor: Ragnorak when it premieres next week.

Featured Image: Taika Waititi directs Chris Hemsworth in Thor: Ragnarok. Courtesy: Marvel/Disney

About the Author
Kelle Long

Kelle has written about film and TV for The Credits since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @molaitdc for interviews with really cool film and TV artists and only occasional outbursts about Broadway, tennis, and country music. Please no talking or texting during the movie. Unless it is a musical, then sing along loudly.