Behold Blade Runner 2049‘s Second Trailer

Simply put, this Blade Runner 2049 trailer is bananas. And we love bananas. Bananas are excellent. Director Denis Villeneuve may have made his peace with the enormous expectations in following Ridley Scott’s 1982 classic, but from everything we’ve seen, he doesn’t need to worry. The latest trailer offers a much more detailed glimpse at the world he, cinematographer Roger Deakins and the 2049 team have created, from a dust-choked California to the neon-soaked, holographic Los Angeles. We get our first look at Dave Bautista’s character (some kind of criminal, it seems), and a few more plot details have emerged. 

“The future of the species is finally unearthed,” an unknown voice says towards the end of the trailer. But what is that future? And which species are we talking about; human or replicant? Officer K (Ryan Gosling) pays a visit to Bautista’s characater to get information on the whereabouts of Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford). This meeting ends in violence, the same fate most of K’s interactions meet in this new trailer. Later on, we see replicants in the process of being made that look an awful lot like Bautista’s character—might he have been a replicant in hiding? 

Officer K’s quest eventually leadas him to Deckard, whose been missing (read; hiding) for 30 years after the events in the original film turned him from a hunter to the hunted. It seems there are lots of people who don’t want K to succeed, and as soon as he shows up at Deckard’s dusty outpost, they’re being attacked. Robin Wright plays Officer K’s superior, while Jared Leto’s Neander Wallace appears to the film’s main villain, a kind of replicant creating, bloodthirsty Elon Musk. The trailer is nearly all action, and it leads us to believe that Villeneuve has made sure that his Blade Runner sequel would pay close attention to its’ own title; Officer K and Deckard will be on the run, trying to solve this mystery before it solves them.

Blade Runner 2049 was written by Hampton Fancher and Michael Green. Alongside Gosling, Ford, Wright, Bautista and Leto are Ana de Armas, Mackenzie Davis, Carla Juri, Barkhad Abdi, and Edward James Olmos.

Blade Runner 2049 hits theaters on October 6, 2017.


The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.