Watch the First Teaser for Bryan Singer’s X-Men Show The Gifted

With Legion already a critical and commercial success, one wondered what the X-Men movies most seasoned director, Bryan Singer, would do with his show The Gifted. One thing you can count on (and you’ll glean this from the teaser) is that it’s not going to be like Legion at all. As Singer told Mashable earlier this year, The Gifted is a very different kind of story from both Legion and his own work in the cinematic X-Men universe:

“I’ll tell you, it’s very different from [Legion], visually, and yet it’s very different from the X-Men films as well. It’s mostly about a family. It’s a family drama. There’ll be effects, powers, and things like that. But at its heart, it’s about a family. It’s an emotional story. […] It’s another standalone. That’s our design. We developed it together — not together, but like at the same time. The only reason I was able to direct it was because the movie I want to make next, I’m not going to be able to make until September, so it gave me four months, and I suddenly said, “Why don’t I take the helm?”

The Gifted is being billed as a ‘family adventure series,’ one that’s produced with Marvel TV and that tells the story of a suburban couple who find their pleated, comfortable lives upended by the realization that their children are mutants. The family has to go on the run and end up joining an underground network of mutants in order to survive.  It’s a solid premise; one much more devoted to the troubling origin stories and the ramifications of youth lost than, say, Netflix’s Jessica Jones or Luke Cage or even The CW’s Supergirl.

The Gifted is due out on Fox this fall, with a full trailer coming next Monday, May 15, 2017. 

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.