Get a Glimpse of the Upcoming Transformers: The Last Knight Trailer

This past Wednesday we took a look at the cutting edge technology that director Michael Bay had employed for Transformers: The Last Knight. Using his own in-home editing suite in Miami, Bay explained why it was worth it for the Transformers franchise to embrace the latest technology, even if it meant paying a premium.

“A movie like Transformers needs to be seen using the very finest tools, the best sound technology, the best projection technology and the best cameras,” Bay said in the video. The Last Knight was filmed in “native 3D”—this means, it was filmed with two cameras side by side to mimic the viewers’ eyes and give dimension to the setting.

“An image like this, to post-convert is virtually impossible,” Bay said while pointing to a scene in which a fireball explodes, catapulting medieval soldiers into the air. “See those billions of little particles here? They have to capture each one of those and put it in a different space. Whereas, when you shoot it natively, it’s already doing that for you.”

While you won’t see any of the 3D elements in this teaser, you will get your first glimpse of the upcoming trailer, which showcases the unusual plot for The Last Knight, a mash-up of medieval and sci-fi story elements in which a secret history threads the Transformers origins on earth to the legend of King Arthur. It’s wild, visually stunning and pure Michael Bay. We’ll share the trailer when it debuts next Wednesday.

Transformers: The Last Night hits theaters on June 23, 2017.

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.