The 1st Pic of Luke Skywalker Ever + The Last Jedi News

Mark Hamill’s Twitter feed is a cornucopia of jokes, political musings, deep thoughts and, occasionally, great snippets from Star Wars past and present. His latest offering is a gem—possibly the very first photo ever taken him as Luke Skywalker.

Taken in Tunisia early morning Day #1 waiting for my 1st shot (emerging from home for robot auction)-Perhaps the very 1st #LukePic #SW

Meanwhile, there’s just a little itsy bitsy piece of news from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, concerning one of the most underused new characters in The Force Awakens. We were all pretty thrilled when heard Game of Thrones Gwendoline Christie, who so memorably plays the badass knight Brienne of Tarth in the show, was cast as Captain Phasma in The Force Awakens. As the commander of the First Order’s stormtroopers, Captain Phasma cut a seriously impressive figure, clad in her distinctive chromium armor (apparently salvaged, no less, befitting her no nonsense demeanor). We were all wondering how J.J. Abrams might used Christie immense skill as Phasma in The Force Awakens, only to find out that she was used…well, very little. And the big moment she did get was her being strong-armed by Finn (John Boyega) and crew. Not a great showing.

The news from Making Star Wars is that Phasma is not only back in The Last Jedi, but she’s got some kind of “killer” spear in the new film, suggesting not only does she make an appearance, but that appearance warrants a new weapon (in The Force Awakens, she carries a blaster). It’s a small bit of news, but it’s promising that we might get to see Phasma have more of a role in the upcoming film.

Look out for The Last Jedi teaser some time in April (a guess, but a good one) during the Star Wars Celebration that begins on April 13. Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres on December 15.

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The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.